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And they knock smoking

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I have noticed and had quite a few debates about smoking, and how people hate it on this forum, but very rarely do we see a thread about drinking. Now we all know drinking in moderation is fine (also get drunk occasionally, if you want), but kids who watch the TV must think it's the norm.


When you put on a soap Corrie, or Deadenders, or Hemorrhoid Farm they are either always in the pub, or walk into their homes and the 1st thing they do is get out a can or bottle of wine.


Kids should be taught this is not the norm, and soaps should be made to moderate the amount of alcohol drinking they advertise, alcohol does more damage than smoking, but we don't see any of the hatred towards it.


It may not be real alcohol they drink but it's still glamorising boozing, and for kids that's wrong and dangerous.

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The soaps need a communal space though, which must be overused compared to real life. Nobody eats in a cafe as much as they do in Corrie, and nobody uses a launderette as much as they do in Eastenders. And they all have pubs - the greatest communal area in British life. The pub.


It's just a place to frame a narrative. It's not real.

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OP is bang on but the lack of an alternative social environment for a soap is quit a sad reflection on British life.


What other places of social interaction could a soap be set in to remain a realistic British soap.


Ty could show them all sat at home on Facebook.

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Nothing will ever be done about drinking when the house of commons operates with half of the members swimming in booze from the subsidised bars. There are rules about not mentioning that a fellow MP may be drunk in the chamber, that is all you need to know.

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I have noticed and had quite a few debates about smoking, and how people hate it on this forum, but very rarely do we see a thread about drinking. Now we all know drinking in moderation is fine (also get drunk occasionally, if you want), but kids who watch the TV must think it's the norm.


When you put on a soap Corrie, or Deadenders, or Hemorrhoid Farm they are either always in the pub, or walk into their homes and the 1st thing they do is get out a can or bottle of wine.


Kids should be taught this is not the norm, and soaps should be made to moderate the amount of alcohol drinking they advertise, alcohol does more damage than smoking, but we don't see any of the hatred towards it.


It may not be real alcohol they drink but it's still glamorising boozing, and for kids that's wrong and dangerous.


Nice one mate :hihi::hihi:

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I've no doubt that this country has as many alcoholics per head of population as many others, but beer is treated as a food ( or even a medication) here. (It's not unheard of to see people drinking a glass of beer very early in the morning or at any time throughout the day.)


It will, however, be one glass of beer (and not a Mass, [1 liter] either. ;))

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I'm almost sure the present government wanted to introduce a minimum price for alcohol,

but the powerful alcohol lobby put a stop to it. And you can bet if there is a proper

discussion about the effects of alcohol the multi-national companies will use tactics

similar to that of the tobacco industries to discredit any meaningful science used in

the debate.

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I rarely drink, I can take it or leave it. My OH enjoys a beer or a glass or two of red wine most nights. I'd much rather he had those than return to smoking, and after almost twenty years I wouldn't touch a cig.


Apart from the obvious health reasons, there is the smell. I dislike the smell when someone is oozing alcohol from their pores, but that happens much less regularly than smelling stale smoke on someone's breath, or on their clothes.


And of course there is the cost. As an ex smoker married to an ex smoker, I reckon it would cost us somewhere in the region of £90-£100 a week if we still smoked our favourite branded cigs. That's a lot of money, we're pensioners! :o


Whilst I agree that the soaps do film a lot of their action in pubs, they rarely show people who are addicted or drunk. Perhaps we should thank them for showing pubs that are used as social meeting places, rather than being full of binge drinkers. Shameless is best for those. ;)

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