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Minister doen't understand the benefits system he's reforming

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Mark Hoban the Employment minister admitted what many thought for a long time, that he isn't clever enough to understand the benefits system that he's reforming: http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2013/jun/13/hugh-muirs-diary-food-banks


Quite worrying also is that instead of dealing with constituent's problems, Hoban fobs them off to the local CAB (whose funding is being cut by his government) to get out of doing his job.


EDIT: In spite of his ignorance, he nevertheless said that

"Unemployed people have taken benefits for granted as a way of life and must roll up their sleeves and stop playing the system". He should talk

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I wonder why none of our little rightwing friends on here have not commented about the £11bn of further cuts which will hammer unemployed people as well as the other more vulnerable aspects of society, and yet the government has boosted the coffers of HS2 by an extra £10bn to private firms.

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I don't think most members of this government have a clue about ordinary people and their lives. Nor do they realise the impact of their legislation. How would they?


The Conservative party is the friend of big business, not the people.

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We are lucky to have a benefits system in our country. Some people do play it to the hilt and they need to get a job. Obviously there are some who cant work and they need some help but the ones who play the system ruin it for everyone. If there werent so many shirkers then the benefits system wouldnt be under so much strain.

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I wonder why none of our little rightwing friends on here have not commented about the £11bn of further cuts which will hammer unemployed people as well as the other more vulnerable aspects of society, and yet the government has boosted the coffers of HS2 by an extra £10bn to private firms.


Labour is backing HS2 as well so I don't see your point.

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Labour is backing HS2 as well so I don't see your point.


Labour is backing benefit cuts as well, although I don't think our myopic chum Mecky will ever see that.


A Labour government would mean benefits squeeze, under Ed Miliband's welfare cap

Labour must face up to difficult decisions on reducing the welfare bill, admits Ed Balls


Labour welfare plan calculated to show they are tough on benefit claimants


And of course Labour have finally twigged why austerity is necessary, namely the catastrophic state of the nation's finances caused by one Hamish McRuin.


More cuts and more austerity with Labour


Labour Party conference: Austerity to continue, warns Ed Balls


Balls backs austerity, endorses cuts and welfare reform

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Labour is backing benefit cuts as well, although I don't think our myopic chum Mecky will ever see that.


A Labour government would mean benefits squeeze, under Ed Miliband's welfare cap

Labour must face up to difficult decisions on reducing the welfare bill, admits Ed Balls


Labour welfare plan calculated to show they are tough on benefit claimants


And of course Labour have finally twigged why austerity is necessary, namely the catastrophic state of the nation's finances caused by one Hamish McRuin.


More cuts and more austerity with Labour


Labour Party conference: Austerity to continue, warns Ed Balls


Balls backs austerity, endorses cuts and welfare reform


Cuts yes, siphoning off the public money into a private project than won't affect most of the country, probably not

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I wonder why none of our little rightwing friends on here have not commented about the £11bn of further cuts which will hammer unemployed people as well as the other more vulnerable aspects of society, and yet the government has boosted the coffers of HS2 by an extra £10bn to private firms.


This forum has become quite a bitchy place recently, hasn't it?


I wonder whether the 'I'd vote for a pig if it had a red rosette' brigade ever consider whether, by their incessant sniping at people who have differing political views, they run the risk of alienating the (occasional) support of those people?


Not everybody (even those who think Attila the Hun was a 'bit of a Pinko') votes in support of everything the government proposes - but anybody who has had a week or so of exposure to the left-wing carping and sniping on this forum might be somewhat reluctant to vote for any Labour policies.

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Labour is backing benefit cuts as well, although I don't think our myopic chum Mecky will ever see that.


A Labour government would mean benefits squeeze, under Ed Miliband's welfare cap

Labour must face up to difficult decisions on reducing the welfare bill, admits Ed Balls


Labour welfare plan calculated to show they are tough on benefit claimants


And of course Labour have finally twigged why austerity is necessary, namely the catastrophic state of the nation's finances caused by one Hamish McRuin.


More cuts and more austerity with Labour


Labour Party conference: Austerity to continue, warns Ed Balls


Balls backs austerity, endorses cuts and welfare reform


David Cameron promised that he would not balance the books on the backs of the poor.

I agree with him.


Given that they are the least responsible for the current financial crisis, and least able to shoulder the burden, no they should not be made responsible.


Besides which Mark Hoban who whinges about the poor taking people for a ride, omits to mention his expenses, spending a fortune on plush cushions, toilet roll holders worth £75:00.


Don't tell me were all in it together!


When they were elected in 2010 Mr Osborne predicted that urther cuts would not be necessary, thanks to his policies, low growth continued and the poor are paying the price.

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