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Sheffield Gang Wars

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  • 1 month later...

If there's anyone out there with information about the Sheffield Gang Wars, whether it be fact or rumour, i'd be grateful if they would reply to this message. I have contacted and spoke to a lot of people connected to the Sheffield Gang Wars and have been researching this topic for nearly a year. I'm still currently seeking more information.




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Cheers mate, have checked and read through them all and they're very interesting. I'm really trying to contact people who'll be willing to be interviewed about their stories etc. So if their is anyone out there... shout up.





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  • 2 months later...

Fran - do you know any family stories. I have just read about the murder of Plommer and he seems to have been brave and a hard man though foolish to face about 6 armed men. It is thought he died from a bayonet thrust or two in the stomach. His internal organs were protruding.

It seems hard the way both Fowlers were hung -one the day after the other -but the gangsters had over stepped themselves and did not take the courtcase seriously to begin with. It did as much to break the gangs as the police who were legalised yobboes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I have many family stories but in regards to my great-grand father "William Francis Plommer", my Grand father "Tommy Plommer" never spoke about the murder. He was a young boy at the time but he witnessed the beating/murder from the doorway while the gang went at his father. From what I know, my great grand father put up a great fight, he was some sort of boxer and was very fit. You talk about him being brave addressing all those men but what were his choices. They came to his house, he had to defend them for his families sake. At least one of the men did have a metal hand weapon and I believe that is what caused the most damage, he was taken to hospital but was D.O.A. This murder was what lead to the demise of the underground betting rings. My grand father had to testify at the trial and afterwards he was taken in by one of the police officers (living with) from what I have been told this police officer beat him and as a result my grand father hated any one to do with the "law'. Then his family moved to Glasgow, Scotland. Needless to say he got himself into trouble through his teens and as a young adult. The "Plommers" were very well known in Glasgow. My grand father ended up marrying a beautiful lady "Mary King" and they had 4 sons ( Tommy, Alex, Charlie and Maurice-my dad). In the early 70's Glasgow was a rough city and the whole entire family (wives included) moved to London, Ontario Canada. My Grand father was known to hold his feelings in check but every Sunday as a child I would visit my Granny and Granda after mass (Catholic) and as I would leave I would go give him a kiss on the cheeck and when I would hug him he would always giggle. Under neath it all he had a heart of gold. He died in the 80's surrounded by his son's.

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