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Sheffield Gang Wars

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the people that were there not writers veiw istill no of 1 family that are still living but just wanted the true facts


If you'd gone into Mr Kites a few years ago you could have asked Brian Mooney, in the morning though as he was always ****** in the afternoon, or his older brother, whose name I forget, or his mum Dolly, who's dead now. His older brother was the one to watch..

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Interesting then.........to read about the Sheffield gang wars as such.Mainly dominated by razor carrying bully boys,the likes of which we read about all too often in the papers once again.Knife weilding low life that really need to be sorted.Over paid Law Sharks will not sort the matter,they are worse than the low life. In the days of the Sheffield mobs,they realised that the only thing that worked,was the mobs own medicine...Violence ! break the spirit of the hardened criminal.

Only then can you try to rebuild the person back into a human being.

Todays Daft methods are in the hands of overpaid people with little or no understanding of Real human nature! it certainly is not gained from 3 years at some university!

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  • 2 months later...



Im new to this my names Rosie. I came across tis forum whilst looking for info on my great great uncle who was Sam Garvin.Until recently when my mum(who is is sams great niece) told me and i read the book by bean i hadnt realised what reputation he had:o :hihi: . didnt think we were that bad;) my mums sheffield born and bred and my nan lives in stocksbridge now. im into genealogy and that along with Sam's history fascinates me. i have hard my nan talk about uncle sam many a time so knew he had a right reputaation, and a bad one at that but didnt realise how bad! anyone who knew my great great uncle sam, or have relations who did it would be great to hear from you.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi can anyone help? My grandad was in the silk muffler gang, I have heard of a silk scarf gang is it the same? And are they anything to do with Mooney and the others. Grandad lived on Solly St where I believe they drank.


My mum also mentioned a guy called Ripon who her mother talked about when they lived on the Wybourne. He lived on the crescent mum says and disappeaerd when Shillito came looking for him!


I am writing a book/family geneology of my family and any info would help.


many thanks

reddeb x

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by halevan

I believe the Government brought in a Scottish inspector (Shillito ) to deal with the situation and he put Policemen on the beat in pairs and raided the homes of known offenders until the gang's were broken.


You are quite right about Shillito. He was actually the person who sorted out the notorious and criminally violent 'razor gangs' of Glasgow in 1920/30's (featured in the famous Glasgow book by Alexander McArthur). Apparently he was brought down to Sheffield as a sort of trouble-shooter.


He may have been successful in Sheffield, but the razor gangs returned to Glasgow in the 50's/60's and even these days gang violence is all too common in Glasgow. Just goes to show that it never goes away completely, despite social changes.

It was the other way round from Sheffield to Glasgow

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Interesting then.........to read about the Sheffield gang wars as such.Mainly dominated by razor carrying bully boys,the likes of which we read about all too often in the papers once again.Knife weilding low life that really need to be sorted.Over paid Law Sharks will not sort the matter,they are worse than the low life. In the days of the Sheffield mobs,they realised that the only thing that worked,was the mobs own medicine...Violence ! break the spirit of the hardened criminal.

Only then can you try to rebuild the person back into a human being.

Todays Daft methods are in the hands of overpaid people with little or no understanding of Real human nature! it certainly is not gained from 3 years at some university!

Quite true , the schoolbully the teenage yob ,the petty criminal ,knife gangs, all this rabble have no conscience, no shame, no respect for the law, only the fear of physical pain makes it's mark. in the days of corporal punishment, very few went back for a second dose, as you say these dogooders will come to realise this at some point in their lives.

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Does anyone have any information about the Sheffield Gang Wars of the 1920's?


I know there is some books that can be bought but was wanted some basic information.

My father lived nearby to the murder.He was very young but his older brother talked about it shortly before he died when in his 80,s.They still wouldnt talk about it even after all that time.The story I was finally told was that their father told them that trouble was brewing and they were not to go out.The murder took place and the murderer (not the brothers) caught a tram to the Wicker Arches.He then attacked a stranger in front of a policeman and was then arrested.This was his alibi.He was taken to a cell.A furnaceman in a steel works challenged a stranger and was told to look away if he knew what was good for him.He did and the murder knife was thrown into the furnace and melted.I was finally told the murderers name but I cant remember it.I wrote it down somewhere.In those days a murder was very unusual unlike now.I,ve got the book somewhere but its a long time since I read it so I dont remember what it said.My uncle and father were very honest men so I believe their version.

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my father lived on princess street when he was a lad in the twenties i can remember he told there had once been a murder there.i thought he was joking obviously not.he used told me the street was a no go area at night.he said the gangs would fight with the cellar covers for protection he told about how a policeman called shillitto was brouhgt in to rid the streets of the gangs.

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my father lived on princess street when he was a lad in the twenties i can remember he told there had once been a murder there.i thought he was joking obviously not.he used told me the street was a no go area at night.he said the gangs would fight with the cellar covers for protection he told about how a policeman called shillitto was brouhgt in to rid the streets of the gangs.

My father and uncle were born on the next street.Apparently all the police were big and good fighters.If they wanted somebody ,they would surround the pub that the suspect was in.Some of the police would go in and tell the suspect to leave with them.If he didnt then they dragged him out and flattened anybody trying to stop them.Can you imagine that now?The place would be covered by lawyers and do gooders in no time at all and the police would be arrested!!! Has anybody seen an honest lawyer? I have.Its a pub in Scunthorpe.

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The night of that murder my grandfather got off the tram at the wicker arches and a couple of men (not sure if they were on the tram) came over to him and told him that if anybody asked where they had been to tell them that they had been with him all night. I am unsure if my grandfather knew the men, as the story was told to me by my mother, but the next day they heard about the murder.

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