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Organ control using singing voice

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YOu can buy vocal to MIDI convertor and then feed the midi input into an organ.


However the voice does not produce a single note, it produces harmonics that will by lost by the midi convertor.



Hi Heavenlyarts. Can the MIDI converter capture the fundamental? I'm thinking of using a male voice

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There is some amazing software called melodyne that will interpret inputted notes and place them on a piano role so you can actually see the notes, it even splits polyphonic sounds into individual notes. You can then export the audio as midi and play that through a soft synth that has an organ preset. Warning though melodyne is not cheap!

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You can either use a phase-locked loop (hardware solution), or digitise the audio and do a Fourier transform (software solution). You'll need to quantise the output of either, since you want the nearest note.

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