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UKIP - the real Tory party, just 1% behind official Tories

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July 5th 2013

A Survation poll for the Daily Mirror shows UKIP support at 22%, just 1% below the Cons who's support is now at it's lowest for years, at just 23%. Support for the Conservatives friends the Lib Dems is 10%.


Even worse news for Cameron is that he is now even more unpopular than his party, with 22% saying they prefer the Cons to Smarmy Dave, whilst 18% prefer Smarmy Dave to the Cons.


I wonder what the Lib Dems would do if the Cons sought to form an electoral pact with UKIP before the election?



Survation poll for The Daily Mirror / ITV Daybreak on Friday 5 July. Topic: Public attitudes towards the NHS. Fieldwork: 3rd July. 1,085 UK respondents.


Headline Voting Intention Details (changes since June 2nd)


Conservative: 23% (-2%)


Labour: 36% (nc)


Liberal Democrats: 10% (nc)


UKIP: 22% (+2%)


Others: 10% (nc)

- See more at: http://survation.com/#sthash.9Yh6DE5R.dpuf


Wow another borefest of pasted data from the resident Labour spin doctor .... Labour are probably the most underhanded party in the country, a party that forgot about the real people it represents, slanted, backhanded politics which have let down this country ...... I only wish the good people of Sheffield woke up and stopped voting for them :D

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It just goes to show that you can find a poll to say pretty much what you want it to say if you are selective enough, which you clearly are. Whether you actually believe what you find is a different matter.


Just to prove the point.




Con 31

Lab 39

Lib Dem 11

Ukip 12


Green 2


Others 1

Respect 0



Incidentally I notice you neglected to include the caveats attached to your highlighted poll. Is there a particular reason for that as they seemed to explain why this poll had figures so different from all the others?



Thanks for that anarchist, It seems the main difference between Survation methods and the other polling firms, is that they include Ukip in their main prompt, which is of course how it will be in a General Election situation. Ukip voters tend to be old former Tory voters who perhaps forget about them unless prompted.

Do you think the Cons would be better off with a true Tory like Farage as leader?


---------- Post added 06-07-2013 at 12:03 ----------


It just goes to show that you can find a poll to say pretty much what you want it to say if you are selective enough, which you clearly are. Whether you actually believe what you find is a different matter.


Just to prove the point.




Con 31

Lab 39

Lib Dem 11

Ukip 12


Green 2


Others 1

Respect 0



Incidentally I notice you neglected to include the caveats attached to your highlighted poll. Is there a particular reason for that as they seemed to explain why this poll had figures so different from all the others?


You liken a political party to female genitalia ('NuLabia'), then you complain about others trolling


All this heat must be frying your brain cell. Go indoors, shut the curtains, and scour the internet for some links to bore everybody with.


You'll feel like your normal self in no time



Yes, isn't old Baaaaaarnsley Bill classy!


---------- Post added 06-07-2013 at 12:05 ----------


Wow another borefest of pasted data from the resident Labour spin doctor .... Labour are probably the most underhanded party in the country, a party that forgot about the real people it represents, slanted, backhanded politics which have let down this country ...... I only wish the good people of Sheffield woke up and stopped voting for them :D



The good people of Sheffield have always rejected you BNP types, long may that hold.:)

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Thanks for that anarchist, It seems the main difference between Survation methods and the other polling firms, is that they include Ukip in their main prompt, which is of course how it will be in a General Election situation. Ukip voters tend to be old former Tory voters who perhaps forget about them unless prompted.

Do you think the Cons would be better off with a true Tory like Farage as leader?


No. The main difference is that people have to sign up to take part in Survation surveys. That means the results of their surveys are not representative of the whole population.

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The Tories now know they have no chance of winning next election. They will be fighting even to come second because You Kipp will split their vote.


Someone from Labour was recently asked if Labour would go into coalition with LibDems. She said there would be no point because after next election Libdems wouldn't have enough MPs to make it worthwhile.



Yes, it would be great if Labour can win on their own and the LibDems are left with just a few MP's and a party that has no reason to exist.


---------- Post added 06-07-2013 at 12:18 ----------


No. The main difference is that people have to sign up to take part in Survation surveys. That means the results of their surveys are not representative of the whole population.


If you're trying to find a poll that shows a high Lib-Dem % you will be looking for a long time, their share of the vote is usually between 7 and 11%.

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If you're trying to find a poll that shows a high Lib-Dem % you will be looking for a long time, their share of the vote is usually between 7 and 11%.


No I'm not. I'm just pointing out that this survey's methodology is flawed and is unlikely to produce reliable results. For all I know the LibDems[1] might have encouraged their members to sign up to Survation and the survey over-represents their support.


[1] Or UKIP, or any of the other parties.

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No I'm not. I'm just pointing out that this survey's methodology is flawed and is unlikely to produce reliable results. For all I know the LibDems[1] might have encouraged their members to sign up to Survation and the survey over-represents their support.


[1] Or UKIP, or any of the other parties.



I don't think even if all the remaining Lib-Dem members signed-up, It would distort the poll!;)

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Having not read all the threads on this subject, because New Liebour, CONservative and LIBDammed are all as bad as each other and I abhor all three, Nige & UKIP will be getting my vote in two years time. Could they be any worse than the current bunch of Parasites that inhabit Westminster..



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Will this mean an end to the incessant NuLabia trolling on SF?


After all, if you've already got the next election in the bag, might as well put your feet up for the next 2 years.


The trolling from the right is much worse IMO.

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Having not read all the threads on this subject, because New Liebour, CONservative and LIBDammed are all as bad as each other and I abhor all three, Nige & UKIP will be getting my vote in two years time. Could they be any worse than the current bunch of Parasites that inhabit Westminster..





Nail on head. Nige and UKIP are doing really well because nobody trusts any of the main parties. I am traditionally Labour, but despise what their last admin did to our country, I cannot vote for a party run by Bullingdon club boys either. The Liberals would get into bed with the devil for a few moments of power and are finished.

I have never voted UKIP before, but shall be doing. The rest of my family were Liberals or Labour, they will vote UKIP too in the next general elections:)

Edited by Itinerary
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