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UKIP - the real Tory party, just 1% behind official Tories

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The thread is essentially about how many people usually ex Tory or far-right sympathisers, now support Ukip and it's effect on Tory support, though I don't deny Labour has lost a bit of support to the Ukip loons, it is the right-wing parties which have suffered while Ukip have prospered.


What you and others fail to realise, is that as a political thermometer, the success of UKIP, both in poaching members from other parties, and storming ahead in elections, shows the nation as a whole is shifting to the right.

I know you don't like to admit it, because to do so is to admit that people are deserting your left wing ideology.

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What you and others fail to realise, is that as a political thermometer, the success of UKIP, both in poaching members from other parties, and storming ahead in elections, shows the nation as a whole is shifting to the right.

I know you don't like to admit it, because to do so is to admit that people are deserting your left wing ideology.



This move to the right you're talking about is I think a temporary situation. Even if you conbine Ukip/Tory/BNP support this does only amounts to around low to mid 40's in%. I think that there will be a backlash at some point in this country as the inequalities between the wealthy and the rest continue to grow and the Bankers etc who fuelled the boom which lead to the credit crunch go unpunished.

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What you and others fail to realise, is that as a political thermometer, the success of UKIP, both in poaching members from other parties, and storming ahead in elections, shows the nation as a whole is shifting to the right.

I know you don't like to admit it, because to do so is to admit that people are deserting your left wing ideology.


There is no mainstream left-wing ideology. The three main parties are almost bang in the centre. The left wing of the Labour party has been neutered. The Tory left is dead, its giants like Heseltine, Patten, Young and Clarke marginalised with no successors. The LibDem lefti-ness shown to be a sham. The right wing of the Tory party is shrill, childish and irrelevant. UKIP won't win many if any seats at the general election.


All you got is a mainstream (neo) liberal politics essentially anchored almost bang in the centre.

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There is no mainstream left-wing ideology. The three main parties are almost bang in the centre. The left wing of the Labour party has been neutered. The Tory left is dead, its giants like Heseltine, Patten, Young and Clarke marginalised with no successors. The LibDem lefti-ness shown to be a sham. The right wing of the Tory party is shrill, childish and irrelevant. UKIP won't win many if any seats at the general election.


All you got is a mainstream (neo) liberal politics essentially anchored almost bang in the centre.


I think this is the travesty of British politics, it has robbed us of real choice, because they're all the same. People who are more left or right rather than centrist are marginalised. At least UKIP are offering an alternative home for the right.


---------- Post added 09-07-2013 at 23:50 ----------


This move to the right you're talking about is I think a temporary situation. Even if you conbine Ukip/Tory/BNP support this does only amounts to around low to mid 40's in%. I think that there will be a backlash at some point in this country as the inequalities between the wealthy and the rest continue to grow and the Bankers etc who fuelled the boom which lead to the credit crunch go unpunished.


I think there will be a backlash alright.


Today provides yet another excellent example with Europe meddling in our domestic justice affairs by ruling whole life sentences illegal.


Who will have the guts to remove us from the European Convention on Human Rights? Or revoke the UK enactment of the ECHR, the Human Rights Act?


Will the Tories do it? Labour? Lib Dems?

None of them, because they're all committed europhile parties, and people have had enough of it, so bring on the backlash I say, for UKIP are the only credible party that will do.

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Yes there was a big dip as the World-wide credit crunch kicked in, but they had got the economy moving again with 5 quarters of growth........until the ConDems turned wiped the growth out and we have been flatlining ever since.


Flatlining. You've been in the sun too long.


Credit to Osbourne because clearly the world credit crunch is still with us. I note today the IMF upgraded the UKs growth forcast at the same time it downgraded the rest of the world and in particular the EU.


The UK currently has the highest growth rate of any EU nation and whilst the Eurozone is back in recession the UK doubled its forecast growth rate in the 3 months up to June. You hate that don't you?

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Except that:

a. it wasn't "illegal" (probably meaning "unlawful") as it infracted no laws; and

b. it wasn't a "war" either, as only the Head of State can declare war- and the P.M. is a mere Head of Government.


As I recall the Queen twice has used her powers to stop that being reversed as well - she stopped debate of the first bill and indicated that she would refuse Assent of another unless a clause was dropped.


Far from being a figurehead as some reckon she is...

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