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UKIP - the real Tory party, just 1% behind official Tories

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Nail on head. Nige and UKIP are doing really well because nobody trusts any of the main parties. I am traditionally Labour, but despise what their last admin did to our country, I cannot vote for a party run by Bullingdon club boys either. The Liberals would get into bed with the devil for a few moments of power and are finished.

I have never voted UKIP before, but shall be doing. The rest of my family were Liberals or Labour, they will vote UKIP too in the next general elections:)


I think that this sort of thing might happen. You aren't voting for ukip because they're ukip you're voting for them because they aren't the other lot. How far that gets I don't know. I suspect nick clegg was hoping for the same sort of thing in the last election.

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Having not read all the threads on this subject, because New Liebour, CONservative and LIBDammed are all as bad as each other and I abhor all three, Nige & UKIP will be getting my vote in two years time. Could they be any worse than the current bunch of Parasites that inhabit Westminster..




No worse than the lot who screwed up the economy or the lot struggling to sort out the mess.

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Incredible to think as well that with this level of support UKIP may STILL not gain any MPs!


No matter what people think of them, surely they would view a party having 20% vote share and no representation in Parliament as being an affront to democracy?!


I just hope eventually that the cosy arrangement of Labour and the Tories (with help from the Lib Dems) continually swapping places in power comes to an end.


The 3 main parties need a big kick up the arse. They stand for nothing but themselves and show a contempt for democracy with their overall support of the EU project, no matter how badly this very arrangement is going at the moment.


If someone is against the EU it does not mean they are against Europe! It's the exact opposite actually. The EU is damaging countries throughout the continent. Economic conditions in many are dreadful - look at Greece, Spain, Portugal, etc.


If you are a fan of Europe and the people who love within it I would argue it is right that you want the EU empire to collapse. It is totally different to what was conceived and what the UK voted for in the 1970s. I can imagine no-one back then when putting a cross on the Yes box, thinking the EU would gain so much control over the member state's politics, and the economic and social framework of these same member states.


I can't see how leaving it would hurt our trade with them either. Don't we sell more to them then they do to us? Plus other countries outside the EU have no difficulty in trading with the EU.


It's just another bloated institution that's got too big for its boots and UKIP have been right all along to challenge it. You know the other parties don't care about the ever encroaching powers that affect us.

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Nail on head. Nige and UKIP are doing really well because nobody trusts any of the main parties. I am traditionally Labour, but despise what their last admin did to our country, I cannot vote for a party run by Bullingdon club boys either. The Liberals would get into bed with the devil for a few moments of power and are finished.

I have never voted UKIP before, but shall be doing. The rest of my family were Liberals or Labour, they will vote UKIP too in the next general elections:)


As a traditional Labour voter what do you think of UKIP's plans for a flat tax - which will result in the rich paying a lower proportion of the tax take than they do now - with a corresponding increase for lower paid workers?


What about their spending plans that will result in increasing the annual deficit by £120 billion (which means doubling it)?


---------- Post added 06-07-2013 at 19:44 ----------


Incredible to think as well that with this level of support UKIP may STILL not gain any MPs!


No matter what people think of them, surely they would view a party having 20% vote share and no representation in Parliament as being an affront to democracy?!


Did you vote for or against the proposed change to our electoral system in the referendum we had earlier in this parliament?

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Altus - as the referendum was AV - and not a true PR voting system I didn't vote.


UKIP' income tax policies actually will help low wage earners. They propose a starting rate of tax at £13000 this allowing millions on low wages to pay no income tax at all. Better then the proposed £10000 in 2014/15 proposed by the Coalition. Labour, as far as a know, don't have any policy so far regarding this and their time in office didn't lead to a massive increase in the starting rate did it? They actually scrapped the 10% tax rate which hurt low earners.


The flat tax does make higher earners pay more then low earners under UKIPs plans. Someone on £30000 pays £4000 in tax whilst someone on £113,000 would pay around £25,000 - it seems quite fair to me.


Make tax simpler and get rid of the loopholes. I haven't seen anything proposed along these lines by any of the other big 3 parties.

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Altus - as the referendum was AV - and not a true PR voting system I didn't vote.

It certainly wasn't. But you could have done something to make it less unfair but didn't.


UKIP' income tax policies actually will help low wage earners. They propose a starting rate of tax at £13000 this allowing millions on low wages to pay no income tax at all. Better then the proposed £10000 in 2014/15 proposed by the Coalition. Labour, as far as a know, don't have any policy so far regarding this and their time in office didn't lead to a massive increase in the starting rate did it? They actually scrapped the 10% tax rate which hurt low earners.


The flat tax does make higher earners pay more then low earners under UKIPs plans. Someone on £30000 pays £4000 in tax whilst someone on £113,000 would pay around £25,000 - it seems quite fair to me.

Raising the tax threshold is a good idea - which is why the LibDems proposed it. You'll note however that I said lower rather than lowest.


The progressive taxation that we currently have means those who earn more pay a greater proportion. If they are reducing the rate of tax for those paid the most - those paid less, who aren't the lowest paid, will have to pay more to make up the difference. e.g. All those who currently get paid more that £13000 and only pay basic rate tax will pay more. A strange policy for a traditional Labour voter to support I'd have thought.


Make tax simpler and get rid of the loopholes. I haven't seen anything proposed along these lines by any of the other big 3 parties.

The other parties, even the Conservatives, support progressive taxation. Have UKIP actually come up with any detailed policies for getting rid of the loopholes yet? Or are they just at the hand waving stage as they seem to be with everything else?



You forgot to mention what you think of their plans to double the deficit.

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July 5th 2013

A Survation poll for the Daily Mirror shows UKIP support at 22%, just 1% below the Cons who's support is now at it's lowest for years, at just 23%. Support for the Conservatives friends the Lib Dems is 10%.


Even worse news for Cameron is that he is now even more unpopular than his party, with 22% saying they prefer the Cons to Smarmy Dave, whilst 18% prefer Smarmy Dave to the Cons.


I wonder what the Lib Dems would do if the Cons sought to form an electoral pact with UKIP before the election?



Survation poll for The Daily Mirror / ITV Daybreak on Friday 5 July. Topic: Public attitudes towards the NHS. Fieldwork: 3rd July. 1,085 UK respondents.


Headline Voting Intention Details (changes since June 2nd)


Conservative: 23% (-2%)


Labour: 36% (nc)


Liberal Democrats: 10% (nc)


UKIP: 22% (+2%)


Others: 10% (nc)

- See more at: http://survation.com/#sthash.9Yh6DE5R.dpuf


Excellent, well done UKIP.

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It certainly wasn't. But you could have done something to make it less unfair but didn't.



Raising the tax threshold is a good idea - which is why the LibDems proposed it. You'll note however that I said lower rather than lowest.


The progressive taxation that we currently have means those who earn more pay a greater proportion. If they are reducing the rate of tax for those paid the most - those paid less, who aren't the lowest paid, will have to pay more to make up the difference. e.g. All those who currently get paid more that £13000 and only pay basic rate tax will pay more. A strange policy for a traditional Labour voter to support I'd have thought.



The other parties, even the Conservatives, support progressive taxation. Have UKIP actually come up with any detailed policies for getting rid of the loopholes yet? Or are they just at the hand waving stage as they seem to be with everything else?



You forgot to mention what you think of their plans to double the deficit.


I studied the proposed Alternative Vote system and found it totally unsatisfactory - why vote for something that I did not like? The present system is crap, what they offered was also crap.


UKIP have stated that they are aiming to lower the 25% flat tax rate over time, obviously depending on economic circumstances. I support their more libertarian view that our money is OUR money and not the Governments. The Government has got too greedy and consumes far too much of GDP - UKIP's aim apart from leaving the UKIP is to reverse the growth of the state.


Another £3,000 tax free on top of the £10,000 tax free rate will allow the first £1083,33 per month of earnings to be totally tax free - I think most people on low wages - and there are many on wages around this mark will be more then happy to see these tax policies implemented.


I also think a 25% tax rate IS fair - you do pay more, the more you earn.


I'm not going to go through every UKIP policy but they do have several policies to reduce the deficit - the website is freely available to peruse at your leisure - see this energy proposal for a start..




They recognise that the green energy policy is basically costing consumers far too much money - money that would be better in their pockets. Surely the high energy costs inflicted on the population from subsidising green energy is impacting on the electorate's spending power? Going for cheaper energy will allow people to keep more of their earnings to spend on other things - hopefully boosting the economy.


I think the main thing is UKIP is looking differently at many of the issues that are causing huge problems for the UK - problems that are just not being tackled. Many people are deciding they might as well give them a chance due to the terrible way the other three parties have/are governing.

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.....I cannot vote for a party run by Bullingdon club boys either.

I have never voted UKIP before, but shall be doing.


UKIP are from the same stock as the Tories. Most are ex-Tories who want the Tories to be more right wing, including Farage. Farage has already met with Rupert Murdoch to see about forming a coalition with the Tories after the 2015 general election. But they'll get taken apart in a general election campaign when they get shown to be more right wing than the Tories. They've already had councillors resign since the May elections and others are being investigated by the police. They're older versions of the Bullingdon Club - different public school but same reactionary elitism.

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UKIP are from the same stock as the Tories. Most are ex-Tories who want the Tories to be more right wing, including Farage. Farage has already met with Rupert Murdoch to see about forming a coalition with the Tories after the 2015 general election. But they'll get taken apart in a general election campaign when they get shown to be more right wing than the Tories. They've already had councillors resign since the May elections and others are being investigated by the police. They're older versions of the Bullingdon Club - different public school but same reactionary elitism.


they get my vote...will do away with the stupid health and safety laws...and other jobs for the boys departments like vosa...

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