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Car Repair after supermarket hitnrun

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Have you cllcked " Continue to the media" at the top rh corner?


I have now lol.

Thanks for that :)


Re the car, looks like the bumper has creased? If so im not sure they can pull them out, may be a replace or a filler job. Either way i hope Karma catches up with the dirt bag who did and drove off.

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Thanks to all of you thats offered advice and tried to help, i've got a decent quote and onwards and upwards i guess. Appreciate your help.


Obelix, funny you should say that Asda spent 15 mins watching the footage but said "it wasn't clear enough to make anything out" ! Ahh.. Its probably easier to let it go, for my sanity, i have to believe Karma catches up


Thanks again!

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Car parks are a nightmare if you have a new car- one reason that I go for older cars. If I did have a newish one it wouldn't be a metallic finish; having said that I had a Ka in silver and that drove me nuts trying to touch up scratches and chips.

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