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Have you ever wanted to get rid of someone you cant stand

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I am so angry so please bear with me .

I moved to Bradford when my ex got managers post . This was in 88 . I met this cow when I moved to another place after I lost my baby . I loved this place but suddenly realised this person should never have been my boss. She was in the wrong place at the time she became my boss because she has no people skills & is a complete bully. This person has no friends at all & treats her staff like children . So when I got chance to move to another place I ended up staying & loved it. Now this bitch is back because the management didn't know what to do with her because she got unions involved. Nobody wanted her but she ended up where I work . Now she is making such a mess of our place because she cant organise a **** up in a brewery . She is one of those people that will take no responsibilities for her mistakes.


Your entire office needs to make a full complaint and involve a union rep. If she's bullying staff and taking no responsibility then the company bosses have a duty of care to get rid of her.


Tell the bosses, via the union rep, that you (the staff) cannot continue to work under those conditions. If all/majority go with this then they have no choice.

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I was wondering if anyone wanted to get rid of someone you cant stand. Because I really do right now . There is one person I had wish I had never met & she keeps coming back to haunt me . I thought I had got rid of her a few years ago & now she is back . Just like a bad penny. OOOO I am mad right now . Have you heard of the phrase " Don't fix what isn't broke " ? . Well that is what she is doing right now & it is driving me mad. This person is the most irritating waste of space I have ever had the misfortune to meet. :loopy:


Sit her down. Giver he a cup of tea then polity tell her to **** off.


Let me know how it turns out.


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 10:02 ----------


yeah they all want rid of me, but can't :)


Dont be so sure. Im off to Whitby very soon. Perhaps we could meet, near the sea, in the dark :D

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Over the next few weeks make a detailed list of all the problems you are having, with evidence. You might then wish to discuss the matter with your union representative if you have one. They will be able to advise as to whether you have a case against the person. Once this is all done you will be in a position to see your manager and/or human resources department staff. You may be able to take your union adviser with you to this interview - you will need to ask.

Meanwhile, think about this carefully from all angles and discuss it more deeply with a trusted and sensible friend or adviser. There may be something you can do to change your own strategy to help you deal with this person. It might be best for you to keep your counsel and not to involve your colleagues at this stage - very often they won't stand by you anyway.

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Follow the above advice about Union reps and grouping together against her.


At C[r]apita there was one woman who, even though she was handling letters from the public, delighted in shouting their business across a large open-plan office for attention.


The bosses did nothing to stop her.

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You don't have to like everyone and I suspect you wouldn't be able to if you tried, but why give people the satisfaction in seeing that they get to you? There awill always be people who try to annoy you for whatever reason. Don't let them bother you, ignore them and let them stew in their own self hate.

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