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Have you ever wanted to get rid of someone you cant stand

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You don't have to like everyone and I suspect you wouldn't be able to if you tried, but why give people the satisfaction in seeing that they get to you? There awill always be people who try to annoy you for whatever reason. Don't let them bother you, ignore them and let them stew in their own self hate.


Being liked is all important to some people, discovering the opposite is a hard pill to swallow, being hateful is probably one consequence of that.

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I certainly don't understand that last post. :(.

This is a fabulous idea about Human Resources . We have a very good one . The problem is it is difficult to ignore someone when they are the boss , but we have been told by deputy manager that we must document our grievances in a professional manner so this woman doesn't have grounds for complaint about us bullying. We used to have such a well run place of work & everyone commented on this , but now it is collapsing & all because of this stupid & disorganised incompetent buffoon . The management didn't know where to put her after they moved her from the original place she worked because she got the unions involved & that put a spanner in their works. She was supposed to go to another department but they didn't want her . Do you know , if I was as universally loathed as much as this woman , I would leave , but she is so wrapped up in herself that she cant see how bad she is .

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Why do you all feel that you have to comply with her, boss or no boss?

There are more of you then her. Turn the tables round. Why don't you lot ALL be obnoxious to her as she is to you? There are more of you lot then her. Let her be the one to have the sleepless nights, worrying about what SHE can do to get into all of your good books. Why should you lot be beholden to her, make her beholden to your cliche. You lot where there first let her know she is not wanted, and doesn't fit in. Don' t invite her to social/birthday drinks down the pub in the evening or social works events etc. let her do the running & worrying about getting into all your good books. Take the Yeah, yeah yeah, whatever, attitude.

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I have to say I agree Poppet

But it is not that easy to do what you say because there are a great many Philloppeno girls working with us & they are less likely to want to rock the boat . Having said that , even they are getting more & more angry with her antics. They have been into the office to complain to our deputy manager & I have to say ,the idiotic managers jut don't want to listen . It is like they have pinched our other boss to sort somewhere else out which is in a mess & dumped this pain on us now .

As for not inviting her on nights out , believe you me this woman is so thick skinned that she just turns up uninvited. She is just not bothered. She has no friends so then stays behind at work & does nothing productive except get in peoples way.

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