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Labour: the unemployed lack self-reliance

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So which party do you think that applies to in the OP?


I made the OP and it's part of my agenda to discredit the whole mainstream political agenda.


I'm trashing all of the political agenda presented by the three main parties, not aligning to any of them.


My allegiance is with the Greens now and as I've posted before I have a grudging respect for Ukip, not because of what they stand for, but because of the clarity of much of their message and because they are bringing something fresher into our politics.

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How is it incorrect to say that the unemployed lack self-reliance?


It's incorrect due to the nature that most generalisations are incorrect. The vast majority of the unemployed are in that situation for a fairly short time, they somehow become unemployed, they search for new jobs, they find one and they are employed again. In what way does this demonstrate a lack of self reliance?

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I made the OP and it's part of my agenda to discredit the whole mainstream political agenda.


I'm trashing all of the political agenda presented by the three main parties, not aligning to any of them.


My allegiance is with the Greens now and as I've posted before I have a grudging respect for Ukip, not because of what they stand for, but because of the clarity of much of their message and because they are bringing something fresher into our politics.


Hence my question to Mecky about his accusation of trolling..

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Strange, isn't it? Whenever the left wing of this forum is unhappy with something, the blame must lie with the government. - Any government (and preferably that of Margaret Thatcher, who will probably be being blamed on here in 100 years time for whatever is happening then. :hihi:)


The last Labour government presided over a massive bloat in the Public Sector. Jobs were created to reduce the unemployment figures, but nobody bothered to consider where the money to fund those jobs was going to come from and when the money ran out, many of those jobs were scrapped, leaving hard-working employees wondering :"Why me?"


It wasn't the fault of the employees that the previous Labour government crapped on them. (It was Margaret Thatcher's fault.)


At some time, the lefties are going to have to accept that - irrespective of whichever government formed by a coalition of whatever parties gets into power next, there will be no massive increase in public sector jobs - for the simple reason that there is no money to pay for them.

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So which party do you think that applies to in the OP?


You read his posts, then decide for yourself. Of course someone could try and a bit clever and try to camouflage themselves but their traits always shine through in the end, no matter how much they hide themselves. I've spent all life studying people like that.

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You read his posts, then decide for yourself. Of course someone could try and a bit clever and try to camouflage themselves but their traits always shine through in the end, no matter how much they hide themselves. I've spent all life studying people like that.


So no idea at all then. :hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Strange, isn't it? Whenever the left wing of this forum is unhappy with something, the blame must lie with the government. - Any government (and preferably that of Margaret Thatcher, who will probably be being blamed on here in 100 years time for whatever is happening then. :hihi:)


The last Labour government presided over a massive bloat in the Public Sector. Jobs were created to reduce the unemployment figures, but nobody bothered to consider where the money to fund those jobs was going to come from and when the money ran out, many of those jobs were scrapped, leaving hard-working employees wondering :"Why me?"


It wasn't the fault of the employees that the previous Labour government crapped on them. (It was Margaret Thatcher's fault.)


At some time, the lefties are going to have to accept that - irrespective of whichever government formed by a coalition of whatever parties gets into power next, there will be no massive increase in public sector jobs - for the simple reason that there is no money to pay for them.


Deviate from your script and take a minute to understand the link in the OP.


---------- Post added 07-07-2013 at 12:16 ----------


You read his posts, then decide for yourself. Of course someone could try and a bit clever and try to camouflage themselves but their traits always shine through in the end, no matter how much they hide themselves. I've spent all life studying people like that.


My traits are left wing and also pro-UK


That's why I don't support Labour any more

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