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I M F state UK economy to grow by 2%

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What's rubbish about it? Let's discuss. I don't expect you to agree but I want to fully understand the basis for your opposition.


Well let's not divert this thread. You start another about how wonderful the Green Party's policies would be for reviving the economy and we can all have a discussion and tell you how well thought through it all is.


I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well let's not divert this thread. You start another about how wonderful the Green Party's policies would be for reviving the economy and we can all have a discussion and tell you how well thought through it all is.


I dare you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Let's have a recap.


I was accused of being on some pro-Labour mission. I'm not. I clarified my political affiliation. For some reason you've latched onto it and repeatedly referred to it in subsequent posts. It's a bit strange to then demand I start a thread when you're the one obsessed about it.


I'd rather get back onto the Tory economic disaster but of course will respond to any questions you want to ask me.

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Let's have a recap.


I was accused of being on some pro-Labour mission. I'm not. I clarified my political affiliation. For some reason you've latched onto it and repeatedly referred to it in subsequent posts. It's a bit strange to then demand I start a thread when you're the one obsessed about it.


I'd rather get back onto the Tory economic disaster but of course will respond to any questions you want to ask me.




The Greens absolute disaster where ever they get a sniff at power. Fortunately no one takes them seriously in the UK as they have no workable policies and just spout rhetoric because they know they never will see power.

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Stop obsessing if they can never get in. ;)


What do you think George Osborne's greatest success has been?

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Stop obsessing if they can never get in. ;)


What do you think George Osborne's greatest success has been?


That would be returning the UK economy to growth whilst the whole of the EU descends into recession again. You probably didn't notice as you were too busy trying run your car on privet.


The Greens are a total disaster and a waste of space. They would do more to save the planet if they didn't waste paper on political flyers that go straight in the blue bins.

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That would be returning the UK economy to growth whilst the whole of the EU descends into recession again. You probably didn't notice as you were too busy trying run your car on privet.


The Greens are a total disaster and a waste of space. They would do more to save the planet if they didn't waste paper on political flyers that go straight in the blue bins.


Have we really returned to growth? Really?


Is it sustainable growth? Or illusory growth?


Is indefinite growth either possible or desirable?

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It's certainly desirable as long as the population is increasing as otherwise there is a real fall in living standards.


Is the increase in population desirable? Long term, no.. is it possible? Probably not for too much longer.

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That would be returning the UK economy to growth whilst the whole of the EU descends into recession again. You probably didn't notice as you were too busy trying run your car on privet.


The Greens are a total disaster and a waste of space. They would do more to save the planet if they didn't waste paper on political flyers that go straight in the blue bins.


I noticed some lukewarm growth. I also noticed a simultaneous drawback in manufacturing and construction. I also noticed that we have serious spiralling debt. I also noticed gilt yields increasing. I also noticed high inflation and stagnating wages. I also noticed house prices and rents starting to inflate again. I also noticed we lost our AAA rating. If you look too you will notice lots of really bad things about our economy and you will realise that far from fixing things Osborne is creating economic havoc for average people and feathering the nests of his mates and paymasters.


Why any man in the street could support this is beyond me.

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It's certainly desirable as long as the population is increasing as otherwise there is a real fall in living standards.




It isn't possible though.


Cast an eye to any biological system to get a clue.


We need to have a new economic reality at some point in the near future. Or a dramatic fall in the population. Possibly both.


In any case, rehearsing a few sterile, old fashioned economic arguments won't find us an answer. Maybe we should tell the good folks at Westminster and SF about that. The future will be very different to the past.

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