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Help! I had a traffic offence of fail to comply with red signal before

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Hi, dear all,


I recently had a traffic offence of fail to comply with red signal before a tram station near Manchester, Altrincham.


At the time, it was a very sunny afternoon. Precisely, it was dazzling sunny. I was approaching a tram station near Altrincham, Manchester. I did not notice the red light was flashing. The signal fence-bars were still at their highest position. I just did not notice the flashing red lights. And also surprisingly, I did not hear anything either. It was only after I drove to cross for about 15 metres that I saw in my rear mirror that the fence bars slowly dropped down. This my offence has not caused any damage to anybody and anything.


About 7 days ago, I received a form asking me to fill the driver’s information at the time of the offence. I did it and attached a statement on the situation.


Yesterday, I received this conviction: 60 pounds fixed penalty and 3 points off my driving licence. A thing to note is, the police has made a minor spelling mistake on my name. As an example, my real name should be something like Jonathan BELL. They put my name as Jonathan BLEL.


About my driving history, I passed my practical driving test in 2006 in Sheffield. Since then, this is the first traffic offence and accident that I did.


About this offence, I am going to accept it, but after I clarify a few things.


(1) How much does this kind of offence affect my future car insurance price? This is my biggest worry. I’ve been always honest and I want to stay in honesty.

(2) About the minor spelling of my name, do you think it can be a good idea to reject this penalty and contest the allegation in court? I am hesitating on this, because this is just a minor spelling typo. Alternatively, is this penalty valid by all means?

(3) I believe this penalty notice has entered into some traffic police database. Is my mistaken name going to be referenced always like that? I heard that in some countries that penalty is linked to driving license number. So no matter what the error would be, the penalty is always valid.


Although this offence has not caused any damages, I’ve understood it is a very severe warning. Hope this is a lesson to everyone seeing my post.


Please add http before the following "//". You will see the conviction pictures.



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Picture 2




Picture 3

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You need to get proper legal advice, especially if you wish to contest this since it means you will go to court.


Quite frankly, I doubt you are going to achive much by going to court, and indeed might get a higher fine and more points.


Personally, I'd just accept that I'd chanced it, got caught and pay the fine.


You should tell your insurance company though, it depends on the company whether or not they take much heed of this.

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Failing to comply with a traffic Signal.


You got a fixed penalty. - It's not going to be the end of the world.


As far as the Insurance company goes, I suppose you could tell them that - according to the penalty notice -Your good friend Mr Blel was driving and let them load his premium (if indeed they're going to bother.


Do your insurers require yo to notify them of minor traffic offences? (Mine trawl offence records and I suspect that if they found that Mr Berry had got a speeding ticket, they probably wouldn't link it to me anyway.)

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If you say you didn't see the lights they could have you for driving without due care and attention.

B......ed both ways.

I got stopped for speeding along an empty dual carriageway at midnight.

I actually stopped for the police car, who had been following me for about 3 miles, when his blue light came on.

He gave me b....ing and asked if I had seen him way back.

I said I hadn't and told me he could have me for driving without due care and attention!!!

They can always find some excuse.

Luckily he was in a good mood and let me off.

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Navigation Road runs NNW to SSE.

At 19:56 BST in June the Sun would be in the WNW and 2 1/2 hours before sunset.

You were travelling NNW.

Not seeing the warning signs and so expecting a hazard, not seeing the flashing red lights because of being dazzled at this time and unable to hear the alarms constitutes a serious design fault on behalf of everybody else.


Seriously, as there is no mention of the danger of death perhaps it is worth considering the outcomes of a 45 or 90 tonne tram with up to 200/400 people stopping a car.


If flashing red lights and an audible warning are missed what happens at other junctions and crossings which other road users such as car drivers, cyclists, people are using.


"This my offence has not caused any damage to anybody and anything."

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