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The antics of certain bikers today.

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Before any enthusiasts lay into me regarding the subject may I firstly point out the word "certain" in the title of my post. I'm not nor have I ever been a motorcyclist however this doesn't mean that I am against it, in fact in all honesty I do like a look at bikes and do admire them however.....


I've been pottering about at a few events in and around the peak district today from down near derby to back up the Matlock way and up towards Castleton and not only on one occasion but several times i've seen near misses solely down to the actions of bikers.


The peak district today has been a haven for bikers and not that I blame them as the weather has been great however this is no excuse to break speed limits, weave in and out of cars, undertake and overtake and overall ride like complete muppets. One biker overtook several cars at pace to meet a tractor and have to jump straight back in line nearly taking out another biker.


Bikers like these are a danger to themselves and to other road users including fellow bikers.


By all means enjoy your rides out, enjoy the nice long open roads that the peak district offers but please ride sensibly and keep safe and get yourself home in one piece. I am a cautious driver and always pay note to the "think biker" signs, I respect your hobby but I also in return expect you to respect the law and the safety of yourself and others.

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I was on holiday in France a few months ago and there was a warning advert on TV aimed at bikers, telling them that they're far more likely to be killed in rural areas than in urban ones. I've seen them flying down roads in the Peaks and many seem to have a death wish.

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I was on holiday in France a few months ago and there was a warning advert on TV aimed at bikers, telling them that they're far more likely to be killed in rural areas than in urban ones. I've seen them flying down roads in the Peaks and many seem to have a death wish.


I was in the peaks today and indeed have been for the last week and many of the car drivers are the same.

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I was in the peaks today and indeed have been for the last week and many of the car drivers are the same.


And if you read my original post you will clearly see that I state that certain car drivers are the same. The majority of drivers obey the law and drive sensibly this includes the majority of bikers however the minority of bikers who I saw today who didn't I can honestly say I felt worried for as all I could see was an accident waiting to happen.


I don't wish harm on anyone. The laws of the road exist for a reason no matter how experienced a road user some people consider themselves to be. Had it been irresponsible car users I had seen today then I would have pointed this out however it's certain bikers who caught my eye today.


Overtaking and accelerating at high speeds on a blind corner, undertaking cars at a busy T junction without a full view of whats ahead and overtaking several cars only to meet a tractor and have to jump back in at the last minute hindering another motorcyclist.


I have nothing against bikers what so ever, but the few instances today worried me.

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And if you read my original post you will clearly see that I state that certain car drivers are the same. The majority of drivers obey the law and drive sensibly this includes the majority of bikers however the minority of bikers who I saw today who didn't I can honestly say I felt worried for as all I could see was an accident waiting to happen.


I don't wish harm on anyone. The laws of the road exist for a reason no matter how experienced a road user some people consider themselves to be. Had it been irresponsible car users I had seen today then I would have pointed this out however it's certain bikers who caught my eye today.


Overtaking and accelerating at high speeds on a blind corner, undertaking cars at a busy T junction without a full view of whats ahead and overtaking several cars only to meet a tractor and have to jump back in at the last minute hindering another motorcyclist.


I have nothing against bikers what so ever, but the few instances today worried me.


It's always the same when it's hot and sunny.





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And if you read my original post you will clearly see that I state that certain car drivers are the same. The majority of drivers obey the law and drive sensibly this includes the majority of bikers however the minority of bikers who I saw today who didn't I can honestly say I felt worried for as all I could see was an accident waiting to happen.


I don't wish harm on anyone. The laws of the road exist for a reason no matter how experienced a road user some people consider themselves to be. Had it been irresponsible car users I had seen today then I would have pointed this out however it's certain bikers who caught my eye today.


Overtaking and accelerating at high speeds on a blind corner, undertaking cars at a busy T junction without a full view of whats ahead and overtaking several cars only to meet a tractor and have to jump back in at the last minute hindering another motorcyclist.


I have nothing against bikers what so ever, but the few instances today worried me.


And if you read my post you will see I am quoting someone else.

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Wheeled organ donors. I seemed to be in a game of chicken with a biker today, no idea why he was so keen to overtake in Chesterfield town centre. Idiot.


Surely it takes two idiots to have a game of chicken. Couldn't you have done the mature thing?

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Surely it takes two idiots to have a game of chicken. Couldn't you have done the mature thing?


Yes. I did. Guess who was the one doing the overtaking, with passenger, in a built-up area with traffic coming in the opposite direction? And guess who was ignoring the hazard lines to impinge on wrong side of road?

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