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The antics of certain bikers today.

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There shouldn't just be 'think biker' for car drivers, there should be 'think car' for bike drivers.


Most bikers I encounter are very good and know the rules of the road, but then there are the ones going down the A1 when it's two lane, hopping in and out of spaces, undertaking, and cutting in front of cars an inch from the bumper. We almost hit the back wheel of one as he swerved in front of us on this road, which he then did exactly the same to the car in the outside lane.


I do think some of them don't see themselves as a vulnerable road user, which they most certainly are. There is no giant metal box protecting them!

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Leave em to it. I call em organ donors. :hihi:



You find it acceptable to make jokes about people being killed in road accidents?


I think you are pathetic, nasty and sick.


Maybe you would feel differently if you had lost a friend or member of your family in such a manner.

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You find it acceptable to make jokes about people being killed in road accidents?


I think you are pathetic, nasty and sick.


Maybe you would feel differently if you had lost a friend or member of your family in such a manner.


I have. Don't judge me, it only makes you look a fool. :roll:

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Before any enthusiasts lay into me regarding the subject may I firstly point out the word "certain" in the title of my post. I'm not nor have I ever been a motorcyclist however this doesn't mean that I am against it, in fact in all honesty I do like a look at bikes and do admire them however.....


I've been pottering about at a few events in and around the peak district today from down near derby to back up the Matlock way and up towards Castleton and not only on one occasion but several times i've seen near misses solely down to the actions of bikers.


The peak district today has been a haven for bikers and not that I blame them as the weather has been great however this is no excuse to break speed limits, weave in and out of cars, undertake and overtake and overall ride like complete muppets. One biker overtook several cars at pace to meet a tractor and have to jump straight back in line nearly taking out another biker.


Bikers like these are a danger to themselves and to other road users including fellow bikers.


By all means enjoy your rides out, enjoy the nice long open roads that the peak district offers but please ride sensibly and keep safe and get yourself home in one piece. I am a cautious driver and always pay note to the "think biker" signs, I respect your hobby but I also in return expect you to respect the law and the safety of yourself and others.


Threads of this nature always baffle me, I struggle to see the point. No-one you saw is going to read it and no-one that reads it is really going to take any notice.

By all means vent, but can't you do it privately??..you just flame the fires. It's divisive and meaningless

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as a biker vfr800 witch is a very fast bike I have done over 300 miles this weekend and not once have I put anybody in danger or driving to erratic.


must admit I have seeing several bikers mainly the ones in groups doing as op said it is far safer to ride a loan as I do than as a group


there's good and bad in all groups of people end off really

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I prefer style to speed any time. Not bothered about getting there quick but to arrive looking ultra cool is where it's at. Plus getting there is all the point of the journey and a pleasurable experience, why rush it?

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You need a visit from the Sons of Anarchy for some correction therapy RBarwick :)


---------- Post added 08-07-2013 at 14:15 ----------


I prefer style to speed any time. Not bothered about getting there quick but to arrive looking ultra cool is where it's at. Plus getting there is all the point of the journey and a pleasurable experience, why rush it?


I think because rushing it is the experience, that's where it's really at...man!

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