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Another soldier been attacked in Barnsley?

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Hi people.

I've heard on Facebook about another soldier been attacked in Barnsley. I can't see how this hasn't been in the news local or national. A lot of people think it's a media blackout as it appears there were lots of witnesses but the report doesn't ask for information or offer a description.


What do you think about it?



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In the city where I grew up there used to be pitched battles between the services and the locals, so it's important to remember that not every assault on a member of the armed forces is political in nature.

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What do you think about it?
That there is insufficient information to form an opinion, other than deplore yet another act of senseless violence.


For all we know, this could have happened entirely due to personal grounds, e.g. the aftermath of a dispute in a drinking venue or the like earlier in the evening, and the fact that he is a serviceman may be completely and utterly irrelevant.

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