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What is the worst job?

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Hi all just trying to find out who as the worst job my job is bad but it is a job at the end of the day money is not good but it is a job i am happy to be working don't get me wrong i just want to know if there job is as bad as mine.

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Working for C[r]apita processing Benefits and working with a slew of cliquey and pig-ignorant turds.


Couldn't you tell them to get out and not to bother coming back until they were slightly better educated and prepared to behave themselves?


Or would you get into trouble for being blunt towards your clients?

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Couldn't you tell them to get out and not to bother coming back until they were slightly better educated and prepared to behave themselves?


Or would you get into trouble for being blunt towards your clients?

I have worked there as well - he meant the staff, not the clients...

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I PRAISE the poor men who come and clear our drains, who have to come and rod them two or three times over the summer because we are on a corner bend and some chuff up the road flushes their sanitary products, nappies and fat down the loo. I SALUTE YOU! because it really stinks

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