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Give uniq a break

lady x

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uniq night club on carver street is nothing like it used 2 b formally icebar its changed 4 the better. i never felt gud going in there when it was r and b but now its the most friendly places around u can walk in and feel safe and wanted in there ,as b4 u would walk in and b drove out by people looking like they wanted 2 kill ya.cum on people its only been open a little time ,yeah it had a bad rep being icebar but its not ,its called uniq diff music,diff people giv it a go u,ll b surprised.

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Used to go all the time when it was ice bar/orchis never had any trouble, did fall down the stairs once though:hihi:. From what I have heard they should have left it how it was, it used to be so full in there at times you couldn't move.

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Oh p*ss off lady x! You obviously have some sort of affiliation with the place. Why don't you just go and hand out flyers or something for it, if it means that much to you. The place is sh*te now, just accept it, get over it and move on!:loopy:

wots up! you one of the people they do,nt let in anymore, and the language is not nice i,m entititled 2 my opinion so please do,nt swear at me thanx.i,m nothing to do with the club either, i enjoy a good night out thats all.

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