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Give uniq a break

lady x

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wots up! you one of the people they do,nt let in anymore, and the language is not nice i,m entititled 2 my opinion so please do,nt swear at me thanx.i,m nothing to do with the club either, i enjoy a good night out thats all.


One of the people they don't let in? I don't think so! They couldn't get me in there if they paid me! Plus, I don't think that they can afford to be picky with who they let in now as no-one goes anyway. They'd be lucky if they were to be put in a position where they could just turn people they didn't want in away. As it stands, they turn anyone away, and the place will be empty! You "just enjoy a good night out that's all"? So would that only be at uniq then? And who exactly do you think you're fooling that you're not in some way associated with the place? People aren't all as daft as you:loopy: ! And yes you are entitled to your opinion, and I'm also entitled to voice mine. Try putting some posts up about somewhere else other than uniq, that might make your lie somewhat believable to perhaps newcomers!

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One of the people they don't let in? I don't think so! They couldn't get me in there if they paid me! Plus, I don't think that they can afford to be picky with who they let in now as no-one goes anyway. They'd be lucky if they were to be put in a position where they could just turn people they didn't want in away. As it stands, they turn anyone away, and the place will be empty! You "just enjoy a good night out that's all"? So would that only be at uniq then? And who exactly do you think you're fooling that you're not in some way associated with the place? People aren't all as daft as you:loopy: ! And yes you are entitled to your opinion, and I'm also entitled to voice mine. Try putting some posts up about somewhere else other than uniq, that might make your lie somewhat believable to perhaps newcomers!


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haha! don't make me laugh. telling me to grow up when you blatantly can't even spell! never mind grow up, why don't you go and get an education and stop trying to sound like some 15 year old bad ass! foolish woman! (by the way: car,nt????? what the hell is that about?! for future reference, it's spelt: can't. there, i'm helping you on your way to a less pathetic existence. i'm just too nice sometimes)

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who do u think u r mate wots english got 2 do with it u can read it car,nt you?


I was not having ago but you’re obviously too stupid to realise. That bar really does not need morons like you trying to help it, if you really like the place you would shut the hell up, people now think that it attracts stupid 15year old Vicky Pollard retards so are going to keep away.

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