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The end of an era (for me anyway)

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Today 9th July I officially medically retire, not sure quite how I feel I suppose sad in a way as I'm only nearly 55. I had my 1st job aged 11 delivering papers when I lived for a brief spell in Tottenham (long story), morning & night & Sunday's.


I had a paper round when 13 till 16 in Sheffield Butler's if memory serves (Frecheville shops), then at 16 went to work in a "proper" job earning money. I started at WE Franklin's and stayed for about 3 years, then had 3 years down Brookhouse pit, 16 years in engineering as a miller, driller & auto setter & all sorts & also some conveyor installation. I then had just short of 16 years with DWP for whom I medically retire today.


I can look back on my working career with pride, I think I may have had 2 weeks on the dole in that time. I know I got a job, at end of it at yes the DWP.


I have had some good jobs and a varied career and made lots of good friends, I go into work tomorrow to say my final farewells, I won't miss the job but I will the people.


I am trying to busy myself but I'm limited in what I can do, so goodbye work and hello what ever life chucks at me.:)



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I guess you'll be spending more time on here then Pete! :)


Didn't think I could :hihi: but yes lots of nice folk o here,


Don't let ATOS find out, they'll send you to work to die


I know that's what's so stupid, I was medically retired on the explicit instructions of ATOS, thanks for all your good wishes.

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