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The end of an era (for me anyway)

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It is the start of a new life when you finish work, it is surprising how quickly you put it behind you.

I started doing my family history when I took redundancy and found it fascinating plus I met new people and it gave me the incentive to visit different places.

Try going on coach day trips to places you haven't visited before.

Get in touch with old friends who have also finished work. Three of us go out for a drink together, we first met as 5 year olds at primary school and now are the 3 old codgers sat in the pub !

The main thing is to enjoy life.

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My hubby retired in Feb this year, he's found enough to do but he still hasn't got used to it. When he was at work he had a routine, well that's all gone to pot!


We've been married 43 yrs, and all that time he's worked, I'm just finding out now we do need a rest from one another, he's now driving me mad, Victor Meldrew has some serious competition...:hihi:


Enjoy you retirement...:)

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Hope your first day of retirement went well Pete.


An old friend (well former boss) of mine who I meet up with a couple of times a year for lunch told me his life had never been busier since he retired (early 60's - on medical grounds due to a triple bypass). He does things a little slower now, and it was quiet to start with, but his days are completely full now - he's enjoying it immensely. :thumbsup:

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I hope you're relaxing and taking each day as it comes. My OH loves his retirement, he never thought he'd make it after twice having open heart surgery.


Enjoy the opportunity to choose what you do and when - and remember to keep taking the tablets! :)

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Today 9th July I officially medically retire<snip>

I am trying to busy myself but I'm limited in what I can do, so goodbye work and hello what ever life chucks at me.:)




Good for you, enjoy it.


Your post count at retirement is 7750/3 years = 2500 ish a year

Be warned.

If you have 10,000 posts by the end of the year I'll be getting you banned and you can go and play outside till suppertime. :)

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