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Are Tattoos Attractive?

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Why have it removed if it gets you laid?


A few drinks for the local bike, costing a fraction, will get you laid and not leave an everlasting reminder?


Tattoos are UGLY imo. regardless of what they are or who wears them. Even David Beckham? The people displaying them without exception look filthy, and they are especially repulsive on old wrinkled people, like the 50/60 year old woman who came into our GP's surgery for physio, in the heat wave, covered in tats and piercings. It was all people could do not to laugh out loud.

As someone said above; why not just draw on yourself in felt tip, if it is for one night - to get laid, or get a henna tat which will wash off after a while? Doesn't say much for your looks; if you need tats to attract someone. Although they do say like attracts like??

Edited by catpus
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A few drinks for the local bike, costing a fraction, will get you laid and not leave an everlasting reminder?


Tattoos are UGLY imo. regardless of what they are or who wears them. Even David Beckham? The people displaying them without exception look filthy, and they are especially repulsive on old wrinkled people, like the 50/60 year old woman who came into our GP's surgery for physio, in the heat wave, covered in tats and piercings. It was all people could do not to laugh out loud.

As someone said above; why not just draw on yourself in felt tip, if it is for one night - to get laid, or get a henna tat which will wash off after a while? Doesn't say much for your looks; if you need tats to attract someone. Although they do say like attracts like??


Each to their own, I say,tatttos are neither forbidden, nor compulsory, so it's the individual's choice to have a tattoo or not.


The choice is simple- you don't like tattoos? Fine. Then don't get one.

You like tattoos? If you want one, fine, get one, if you don't want one, fine, don't get one...


Surely, the time for you to start complaining is if someone is trying to force a tattoo on you?

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That's fine so long as you accept you'll probably never get offered a decent job, never attract an intelligent girlfriend and will keep getting into rucks when you're out as people will look at you and assume you're looking for trouble.

I already have a decent job, despite being tattooed for over 20 years. I have an intelligent wife, who I met post-tattooed. And have not been involved in a 'ruck' since I was about 20, which was pre-tattooed. So I guess you need to reassess your theory.

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That's fine so long as you accept you'll probably never get offered a decent job, never attract an intelligent girlfriend and will keep getting into rucks when you're out as people will look at you and assume you're looking for trouble.


The most ridiculous comment I've heard for a long time.


I have tattoos and have a very, very good job earning a great deal more than average salary. My wife is certainly not stupid and although I go out on at least five nights out of seven (bars, restaurants & clubs) I have never had any trouble whatsoever !!!

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I would generally associate tattoos with a type of woman who I would not consider relationship material.


The vast majority of the time they don't look good on females, also it isn't very feminine, which is my type.


And you can't have a go at me for my type, it's just a preference.

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An accountant? with tattoos? I hope you keep a check on your own money too if that's the case.


He had the tatts done long before I knew him, great bloke and unlike other accountants I've met over the years has a sense of humour and is a nice guy

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Certainly tattoos of anything relating to:


Football related tattoos

Child birth dates / names (Can't you remember?)

Any type of Chinese or similar symbol (Unless you can speak the language)

Any type of tribal tattoo

Any type of tramp stamp

Any tattoo an a woman's arm

Any type of knuckle or finger tattoo


If you got any of those, it doesn't look good.

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