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Are Tattoos Attractive?

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Nail on head. Having a tattoo is effectively a form of self-harm, a feeling that you're so disgusted with your body that you want to deface it. The sad fact is no matter how much of your body you cover, it will never mask your low self esteem.


Don't take my word for it, ask some expert psychologists.




We've been through all the negative associations of tattoos on this thread. Can anyone suggest something positive about having a tattoo and how it makes other people perceive you?


I don't actually give a flying ferrets about how I am perceived.


If people want to judge me for having a tattoo that commemorates my grandchildren being born, and my love for my sister, about whom I am so proud, a lass who triumphed over adversity, then they can just shove it totally where the sun don't shine.


I know who I am, and don't need validation from anyone who is as bigoted and narrow minded as some seem to be on here.


To them, I say "I didn't have my tattoo for you, I had it done for ME!"

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I don't actually give a flying ferrets about how I am perceived.


If people want to judge me for having a tattoo that commemorates my grandchildren being born, and my love for my sister, about whom I am so proud, a lass who triumphed over adversity, then they can just shove it totally where the sun don't shine.


I know who I am, and don't need validation from anyone who is as bigoted and narrow minded as some seem to be on here.


To them, I say "I didn't have my tattoo for you, I had it done for ME!"


Well said!

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Overly defensive. Covered in tattoos. Nope, no lack of self-esteem there!


Do you even know what you're talking about?? I'm defending something that I'm passionate about. That shows a great deal of self esteem.

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Do you even know what you're talking about?? I'm defending something that I'm passionate about. That shows a great deal of self esteem.


No it doesn't. You're arguing in a very aggressive and defensive manner which proves just how deep your inadequacies run.


For example your reply to my points was "So, tattoos are a way of masking your low self esteem?? How about B****cks?? Self harm??..........B****cks!!"


You're really coming across as an articulate and intelligent person there! :hihi:


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 17:20 ----------


I don't actually give a flying ferrets about how I am perceived.


If people want to judge me for having a tattoo that commemorates my grandchildren being born, and my love for my sister, about whom I am so proud, a lass who triumphed over adversity, then they can just shove it totally where the sun don't shine.


I know who I am, and don't need validation from anyone who is as bigoted and narrow minded as some seem to be on here.


To them, I say "I didn't have my tattoo for you, I had it done for ME!"


You can't have it both ways.


If you were genuinely proud of your tattoos you'd have them freely on display. The fact you keep them hidden suggests that you're actually secretly ashamed of them.


Did you know by the way that most decent people are proud of their loved ones and their achievements but they don't need to scar their bodies to prove it?

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No it doesn't. You're arguing in a very aggressive and defensive manner which proves just how deep your inadequacies run.


For example your reply to my points was "So, tattoos are a way of masking your low self esteem?? How about B****cks?? Self harm??..........B****cks!!"


You're really coming across as an articulate and intelligent person there! :hihi:


I'm being defensive because some faceless bigot has described me, personally as having a low self esteem and no personality! Sorry but that kind of comment makes me react in that way.


I'll take the comments back and apologise, but I'm not withdrawing my point.


You just can't understand that people are different. Can't you see that your mentality towards people with tattoos is as childish as my response earlier??


I'm guessing that you're a cat owner? To me that says you're a lonely, single neurotic person. There's even studies to back this up, honestly!


Sorry that I got pulled down to your level of incompetence! It won't happen again.


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 17:28 ----------


Did you know by the way that most decent people are proud of their loved ones and their achievements but they don't need to scar their bodies to prove it?


Did you know that some people love the idea of having someone's artwork on their body?


Why can't you accept that 'normal' people (of which you obviously aren't) like to have tattoos?

Edited by Bonzo77
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People who don't have tatoos are often model standard when it comes to looks.


Often its the fat ones, always with a cigarette in there mouths, standing outside mcdonalds who have tatoos


Hmm just going to blow that theory out of the water, look at Beckham he's not fat, doesn't smoke; perfect role model for kids and he models clothes. I think I'm right in the fact that women find him good looking, okay he doesn't rock my boat but men don't.


I'm not fat, might have 1 McDonald's a year & don't smoke but I'm tattooed, I would imagine if they put your brain in a pigeon it would fly backwards.


Oh and if you're going to knock tattoos at least have the decency to spell it correctly.

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No it doesn't. You're arguing in a very aggressive and defensive manner which proves just how deep your inadequacies run.


For example your reply to my points was "So, tattoos are a way of masking your low self esteem?? How about B****cks?? Self harm??..........B****cks!!"


You're really coming across as an articulate and intelligent person there! :hihi:


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 17:20 ----------



You can't have it both ways.


If you were genuinely proud of your tattoos you'd have them freely on display. The fact you keep them hidden suggests that you're actually secretly ashamed of them.


Did you know by the way that most decent people are proud of their loved ones and their achievements but they don't need to scar their bodies to prove it?


I has my tattoos done for personal reasons. My tattoos are discreet, and are in places normally covered by my clothing.

I had them done for me, so I'm not going to bare my body so all and sundry can see them.


---------- Post added 23-07-2013 at 18:40 ----------


You're being daft!


I don't need to have my tattoos on show. they were done for ME.


If someone has a genital or nipple piercing, does that, by extrapolation mean that this someone should walk about the city centre with no clothes on in order that someone can see a chap's *chap*-piercing or a woman's nipple piercing? No! it does not mean that they aren't pleased with it. It's their business.

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