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Royal Mail to be privatised

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You might be able to take them to civil court now when the useless lazy sods loose important mail, or just steal stuff from it.


You already can take them to Civil Court its your right. Private Courier companies do not have to publish quality, loss, theft or prosecution information as do Royal Mail. Private companies usually entice any theives to resign, RM always prosecute. There are less than 100 prosecutions out of a staff of 150,000 RM Staff. They deliver 80m items per day to 27m addresses no Private company could contemplate such amounts.

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You already can take them to Civil Court its your right. Private Courier companies do not have to publish quality, loss, theft or prosecution information as do Royal Mail. Private companies usually entice any theives to resign, RM always prosecute. There are less than 100 prosecutions out of a staff of 150,000 RM Staff. They deliver 80m items per day to 27m addresses no Private company could contemplate such amounts.


Why not?


Do you think the UK is the only country in the World with a Postal system?


Do you really think that people in other countries don't receive mail?

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Mail I send is picked up from the postbox at the end of the road. If I can't send it from there, I have to take it to the Post Office to send it.


Mail I receive is delivered and put in my mailbox by the Post Office.


If it's too large to put in the Post Box, the postie rings the doorbell. - And waits for an answer ... it's not just a case of 'ring and run' (Which I've encountered n the UK. The last time I was there - at my son's house- the Postie rang the doorbell. I was 3 ft from the door, so I opened it. The Postie was already half-way down the drive.)


If there's nobody at home, she leaves a note telling me where I can pick it up and when it will next be out for delivery.


If I'm going to be away for 6 months (as I am every year) my mail is forwarded to my alternate address. - That costs me about a tenner for the lot.


That's all I get from the Post Office ... and it's all I want, too.


How does that differ from the service you get?

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Why not?


Do you think the UK is the only country in the World with a Postal system?


Do you really think that people in other countries don't receive mail?


No, but it most cases the Universal Service Obligation falls to the State as is the case of Europe and of the USPS which is a Federal Agency. Private Carriers are not even interested in most of the traffic which postal services carry, they prefer to 'Cherry Pick' the profitable traffic. They would not invest in systems to take on the amount of mail that a Nationalised service provides. For example the Delivery process, why do you think no private carrier provides Universal postie style delivery but, but uses the State carrier for delivery? The Universal Delivery is a loss making high labour intensive section of the business. The carriers experimenting with their own delivery systems are only looking at Major cities. Nor would they wish to publish their full performance figures.


---------- Post added 10-07-2013 at 13:28 ----------


Mail I send is picked up from the postbox at the end of the road. If I can't send it from there, I have to take it to the Post Office to send it.


Mail I receive is delivered and put in my mailbox by the Post Office.


If it's too large to put in the Post Box, the postie rings the doorbell. - And waits for an answer ... it's not just a case of 'ring and run' (Which I've encountered n the UK. The last time I was there - at my son's house- the Postie rang the doorbell. I was 3 ft from the door, so I opened it. The Postie was already half-way down the drive.)


If there's nobody at home, she leaves a note telling me where I can pick it up and when it will next be out for delivery.


If I'm going to be away for 6 months (as I am every year) my mail is forwarded to my alternate address. - That costs me about a tenner for the lot.


That's all I get from the Post Office ... and it's all I want, too.


How does that differ from the service you get?


Mail in conurbations left in boxes in walls, multi-occupancy addresses, or mail boxes away from the main occupancy is more susceptable to theft by external offenders. There is a spate of theft after delivery in several areas including expensive appartment blocks at the moment. So take care theft and fraud sometimes crosses borders


If you are not in then you can now for the mail to be officially be delivered to a nearby address. There is a facility for companies to print instructions on what to do should delivery not be possible, leave in a certain place, neighbour, relative etc. Where a card is left if you read it carefully you can designate a time for them to bring it back to you, so there is no incentive to 'ring and run' as they only have to bring it back. Not all Posties are deaf so you could call out to them if they are only half way down your drive.


You can have mail held by Safe Mail in the UK.

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I don't think it will make much difference-It's already at a price I refuse to pay unless absolutely necessary and its so far out of the way and rarely open when I need to collect something. I will just use it even less I guess.


The last birthday present I sent convinced me never to do that again!! The postage was almost as much as the present and then if you want to make sure it gets there you have to pay more which is damn cheeky:huh:


Actually one thing that could affect me-will junk mail increase or decrease? It already drives me nuts. If it was privatised do you think I could privatise my letterbox?

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Now the BBC reporting on the matter is far more positive, which makes me suspicious.


What was the tone of the BBC's reporting in 2009?


Why did you have to mention Labour?


I often think that when you make a post. :P


The OP is right to remind us that this "typical Tory policy" was also mooted by NuLabia as well.

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I don't think it will make much difference-It's already at a price I refuse to pay unless absolutely necessary and its so far out of the way and rarely open when I need to collect something. I will just use it even less I guess.


The last birthday present I sent convinced me never to do that again!! The postage was almost as much as the present and then if you want to make sure it gets there you have to pay more which is damn cheeky:huh:


Actually one thing that could affect me-will junk mail increase or decrease? It already drives me nuts. If it was privatised do you think I could privatise my letterbox?


Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your view, holders of a Universal Service Obligation in postal services cannot (under the Post Office Act) not deliver any item entrusted to them. So it would be a criminal offence for a Post Person not to deliver any item to you including so called junk mail. In some ways this can be reassuring, but accepted it can also be annoying. You can approach various organisations to reduce the amount, but I prefer to see it as subsidising my deliveries, and it is infinately recyclable. Or look at newspapers you pay for the priveledge of having advertisments pushed through your letter-box there also? Not to mention the Sunday supplements dropping flyers all over the floor, to the Advertising men there is more than 'One way to skin a cat'.

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Unfortunately or fortunately depending on your view, holders of a Universal Service Obligation in postal services cannot (under the Post Office Act) not deliver any item entrusted to them. So it would be a criminal offence for a Post Person not to deliver any item to you including so called junk mail. In some ways this can be reassuring, but accepted it can also be annoying. You can approach various organisations to reduce the amount, but I prefer to see it as subsidising my deliveries, and it is infinately recyclable. Or look at newspapers you pay for the priveledge of having advertisments pushed through your letter-box there also? Not to mention the Sunday supplements dropping flyers all over the floor, to the Advertising men there is more than 'One way to skin a cat'.


how about if I superglue my letterbox? do they "hold" it for me at the post office?


it may be recyclable but think of the wasted energy in printing it, and the ink and the wasted energy transferring tonnes of leaflets that go directly back to the recycling plant or landfill.


...maybe I will return to sender from now on!

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I don't think the mood has changed all that much, people still really aren't up for it.


One thing that has been said is each person working in the Royal Mail will get about £2000 worth of shares, not something I remember from before.

Maybe they're trying to bung everyone some cash to keep quiet?


The CWU are going to strike if it all go's ahead tho.


£2000 of shares that bull maybe on paper but not in reality they did this once before and its what they term ghost shares my other half has just had the Royal mail draft letter .I told someone on SF that they were going to do this

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