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Royal Mail to be privatised

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Royal Mail has always been one to prop up the economy in the same way that British Leyland, British Coal and British Steel used to a while back.




Royal Mail has seen a 22% drop in volumes of letters and parcels, putting thousands of more jobs at risk.


Royal Mail's letters division lost £120m in the last financial year against a £20m profit a year earlier, its worst performance for seven years


Royal Mail could be forced to cut up to 20,000 more jobs after revealing that it is losing more than £2m a week.


Thats 2011 here is the latest, profit up, parcels up by 70m. Oh and CEO pay up from £637,000 to £1.5m including bonus. Watch that shoot up on Privatisation!



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I don't think the mood has changed all that much, people still really aren't up for it.


One thing that has been said is each person working in the Royal Mail will get about £2000 worth of shares, not something I remember from before.

Maybe they're trying to bung everyone some cash to keep quiet?


The CWU are going to strike if it all go's ahead tho.


Well the workers will need the shares money when the redundancies start coming as they surely will. Once Royal Mail is privatised are they going to keep collecting and delivering mail to remote villages where the service is not making money?

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Well the workers will need the shares money when the redundancies start coming as they surely will. Once Royal Mail is privatised are they going to keep collecting and delivering mail to remote villages where the service is not making money?


The shares can't be sold for three years. So a holiday in Majorca now may only be B&B in Scarborough by then. Half the Carriers now do not deliver to Blocks of Flats, Anti-social addresses, houses with vicious dogs, Highlands and Islands they have a diversion on their computer systems which stream them into Royal Mail.

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Royal Mail has seen a 22% drop in volumes of letters and parcels, putting thousands of more jobs at risk.



no it hasnt thats propaganda and 'computer says no' figures.


ive worked there for years and packets and mail have both shot up about 200% since the SDD was introduced.


what has gone down is revenue this is because we are forced to take our competitors mail so they undercut us and then we do all the hard work.


dont believe everything you read royal mail publish more spin than a washing machine. if they spent as much time talking to the front line staff (and i dont mean in the red tape tick box fashion they consult us now) as they do trying to make the figures ad up theyd realise the only reason the job looks like its working is because we have to cut that many corners to get it done its ridiculous.


if we did our jobs by the book we'd get maybe half of the round delivered in a day it simply cannot be done, feel free to complain about postman knocking and running but believe me if we did it to the book half the rounds would go straight back to the depot and you wouldnt even get a card through your door because we wouldnt have time to get to you. its a balancing act the managers know about but refuse to acknowledge because the books have to balance. they say we can do it because the computer says we can do it and thats final.


oh and we had shares before but they clicked their fingers and the shares went they aren't worth the paper theyre printed on

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no it hasnt thats propaganda and 'computer says no' figures.


ive worked there for years and packets and mail have both shot up about 200% since the SDD was introduced.


what has gone down is revenue this is because we are forced to take our competitors mail so they undercut us and then we do all the hard work.


dont believe everything you read royal mail publish more spin than a washing machine. if they spent as much time talking to the front line staff (and i dont mean in the red tape tick box fashion they consult us now) as they do trying to make the figures ad up theyd realise the only reason the job looks like its working is because we have to cut that many corners to get it done its ridiculous.


if we did our jobs by the book we'd get maybe half of the round delivered in a day it simply cannot be done, feel free to complain about postman knocking and running but believe me if we did it to the book half the rounds would go straight back to the depot and you wouldnt even get a card through your door because we wouldnt have time to get to you. its a balancing act the managers know about but refuse to acknowledge because the books have to balance. they say we can do it because the computer says we can do it and thats final.


oh and we had shares before but they clicked their fingers and the shares went they aren't worth the paper theyre printed on


your so right ............x I pity anyone who is not near retirement age because it will come that after 3 years all contracts will be worthless and the new owners will do what they want and the public will suffer they think Its a good Idea to privatise it and these shares won`t be worth anything ,they will do what they did last time say there is no money to pay the workers for the shares ........x

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Is privatisation a way to get rid of unions?


Yes and it's a great way for greedy ministers to trouser more money.


The New Labour gruesome twosome Alan Milburn and Patricia Hewitt, both enthusiastic supporters of bringing in private health into the NHS are financially very well rewarded by some lucrative posts on the boards of private health companies.

Ditto the ex Tory Health secretary Andrew Lansley, ditto David Cameron's privatisation adviser Sean Worth has become a lobbying consultant to a private company which sells healthcare to the NHS.

Iain Duncan Smith's adviser is paid for by a think tank he sat up which lobbies their department


Key figures in the Thatcher government which became known for its zeal in privatising 'the family silver' also found lucrative private sector work - Cecil Parkinson, Norman Tebbit, Nicholas Ridley, John Redwood are amongst the high profile names that have gone through the lucrative revolving door from cabinet office to the boardroom.

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Yes and it's a great way for greedy ministers to trouser more money.


The New Labour gruesome twosome Alan Milburn and Patricia Hewitt, both enthusiastic supporters of bringing in private health into the NHS are financially very well rewarded by some lucrative posts on the boards of private health companies.

Ditto the ex Tory Health secretary Andrew Lansley, ditto David Cameron's privatisation adviser Sean Worth has become a lobbying consultant to a private company which sells healthcare to the NHS.

Iain Duncan Smith's adviser is paid for by a think tank he sat up which lobbies their department


Key figures in the Thatcher government which became known for its zeal in privatising 'the family silver' also found lucrative private sector work - Cecil Parkinson, Norman Tebbit, Nicholas Ridley, John Redwood are amongst the high profile names that have gone through the lucrative revolving door from cabinet office to the boardroom.



My other half has just said similar well the people that have slagged of the royal mail will get a far worse service once its in private hands like it was said in the house of commons Royal Mail privitised Queens head for sale and it wont be a six day delivery for long .........x

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So the Royal Mail is going to be privatised and 10% of the company (which belongs to the Nation) is going to be given (not sold) to the employees.


The CWU (which presumably represents the CWU, - because it doesn't seem to represent the Postal Workers - has said it is going to try to block the IPO. If it is (partially) successful, then the Post Office may be sold to (a) foreign organisation(s).


(If that happens, don't blame the government - it will be the Union which is to blame.)


If the CWU manages to get away with it, then the money the government receives from the sale (money they will be spending on you) will be rather less than it would've been.


It's easy to see why the union don't want the workers to become owners of the company. - If the workers own it, they may well not put up with crap from the union and the union would have less power.


It will all be Thatcher's fault, of course.

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Tory policy will get pretty shaky in the future when they run out of things to sell off.



It's been shakey for the last 3 years and they haven't fully privatised anything yet!


---------- Post added 10-07-2013 at 19:41 ----------


So the Royal Mail is going to be privatised and 10% of the company (which belongs to the Nation) is going to be given (not sold) to the employees.


The CWU (which presumably represents the CWU, - because it doesn't seem to represent the Postal Workers - has said it is going to try to block the IPO. If it is (partially) successful, then the Post Office may be sold to (a) foreign organisation(s).


(If that happens, don't blame the government - it will be the Union which is to blame.)

If the CWU manages to get away with it, then the money the government receives from the sale (money they will be spending on you) will be rather less than it would've been.


It's easy to see why the union don't want the workers to become owners of the company. - If the workers own it, they may well not put up with crap from the union and the union would have less power.


It will all be Thatcher's fault, of course.



No it won't be the unions fault you thickett, it will be the ConDems who privatised it.

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It's been shakey for the last 3 years and they haven't fully privatised anything yet!


---------- Post added 10-07-2013 at 19:41 ----------




No it won't be the unions fault you thickett, it will be the ConDems who privatised it.


Well, we certainly don't want the workers owning the business do we? - Because if they did, they'd be the bosses and we really need the workers to stay exactly where they are and do what the unions tell them to do.

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