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Why Rainbow in Hackenthorpe?

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pigs lane is a gennel which runs from main st to birley spa lane .think it was originally called wells lane but a farmer kept pigs at the top of it and it was known as pigs lane by locals. it comes out on birley spa lane roughly at the top of rainbow avenue

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Carr Forge - part of the waterway IIRC is the area that has now become a pond. In my childhood it was the "swamp" and formed part of a waterway to power something allegedly.

A lot of forge works were also in the are around the Bluebell, when i was a child there was still a working smithy forge there.

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A bit of info here ... www.sheffield.gov.uk/out--about


download the 'Walks in the Shire Brook Valley, pdf' and 'Shire Brook Valley large map, pdf'.


Mmmm me wonders where they dredge these names from - when i was taught local history and geography @ primary and secondary school ,Shire Brook Valley was never mentioned, but then again Owlthorpe was Bluebell Woods.

Nice info M&P.

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