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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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RazorSharp - did you email, fax, write too or call your MP? Or do you expect them to ask everyone in their constituency on every issue that comes up?


If you have strong feelings then make the effort to contact them, rather than doing nothing and bitching afterwards that they didn't ask you.


I actually saw my politicain a few weeks ago and the smoking issue did come up. She had already made her mind up and knew what she would vote 'if' the vote came forward.


So in answer to your questions, 1) yes i did and 2) I did and got know where.


Whats your excuse? I suggest you fall in the "can't be arsed" camp

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...do you expect them to ask everyone in their constituency on every issue that comes up?


Er... yes? It is a democracy. If the issue is one which has a direct and strong impact on the lives of all your constituents, I would fully desire to be consulted.


And it would take, what, 10 minutes? to do a text poll of everyone in the country these days.


Not enough consultation is the cause of most disatrous political decisions (mentioning no specifics but you all know what I'm referring to)

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I actually saw my politicain a few weeks ago and the smoking issue did come up. She had already made her mind up and knew what she would vote 'if' the vote came forward.


So in answer to your questions, 1) yes i did and 2) I did and got know where.


Whats your excuse? I suggest you fall in the "can't be arsed" camp


Why do I need an excuse, i'm happy with the decision, so clearly my input wasn't needed.


Dan, I don't think you really have much understanding of how this democracy works. If you have a strong feeling on something then make sure they know, don't wait for them to ask you. It costs very little for you to email your mp, it would cost quite a lot for them to text every person they represent. not to mention being very inefficient as most people won't care and thus won't reply.

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Why do I need an excuse, i'm happy with the decision, so clearly my input wasn't needed.




I'm not against stopping smoking, I just think that the Govt vote on issues without proper consultation.


When they vote on somthing that puts your fire out Cyclone I'm sure we'll all be in full support of your rants .

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Dan, I don't think you really have much understanding of how this democracy works. If you have a strong feeling on something then make sure they know, don't wait for them to ask you. It costs very little for you to email your mp, it would cost quite a lot for them to text every person they represent. not to mention being very inefficient as most people won't care and thus won't reply.


Oh I assure you I have let my views on this particular subject be known several times! My difficulty is probably down to the fact i did not vote for the people in parliament at present... and I don't see that it would be so hard to put it to a national vote.

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If I feel strongly enough about an upcoming vote then I will contact my MP and make my feelings known, at least then I can complain that they didn't listen, rather than complaining that they didn't personally pop in and ask me what I thought over a cup of tea :P


I probably should have written to my mp over the id card debate, but i'll just settle for burning it when i get one after renewing my passport.

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Oh I assure you I have let my views on this particular subject be known several times! My difficulty is probably down to the fact i did not vote for the people in parliament at present... and I don't see that it would be so hard to put it to a national vote.


and how many issues then should go to a national vote.


Maybe a vote on income tax?


And a vote on pensions?


Oh dear, how do we then reconcile those two decisions, raising pension payments whilst reducing income tax, lucky that the people voting don't need to implement it then.


Anyway, more people don't smoke than do, and in every poll on the forum banning smoking within pubs has come out on top, so you'd still not be happy.

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