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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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If I feel strongly enough about an upcoming vote then I will contact my MP and make my feelings known, at least then I can complain that they didn't listen, rather than complaining that they didn't personally pop in and ask me what I thought over a cup of tea :P


I probably should have written to my mp over the id card debate, but i'll just settle for burning it when i get one after renewing my passport.



And what will you do if they vote without informing you of the upcoming vote? do you have a mole who informs you of all the private members bills currently going through?.


And what about our health secretary that promised not to blanket ban smoking and did a last minute u turn when the vote came up. Can you trust your local MP?


Also I would suggest that you don't burn your ID card once you've used it to gain a passport because your obviously unaware that you will eventually need it when you attend hospital or when the police pull you over, or you get stopped at customs... I could go on (and usually do) It will also no doubt cost you to replace it when you need it in the future !! Think On :thumbsup:

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and how many issues then should go to a national vote.


Maybe a vote on income tax?


And a vote on pensions?


Oh dear, how do we then reconcile those two decisions, raising pension payments whilst reducing income tax, lucky that the people voting don't need to implement it then.


Easily. Reduce the war budget! ;)

Equally I don't mind them increasing income tax.


Anyway, more people don't smoke than do, and in every poll on the forum banning smoking within pubs has come out on top, so you'd still not be happy.


Actually, as I said earlier, I support a ban. Just would've liked to have seen some control left to the owner of the building. It is theirs after all

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Why do I need an excuse, i'm happy with the decision, so clearly my input wasn't needed.


Dan, I don't think you really have much understanding of how this democracy works. If you have a strong feeling on something then make sure they know, don't wait for them to ask you. It costs very little for you to email your mp, it would cost quite a lot for them to text every person they represent. not to mention being very inefficient as most people won't care and thus won't reply.


Must have come as a shock when, after not contacting your MP, the vote went against your views regarding the Identity Card Legislation.


Given you declare "I will burn my I/D Card" upon receiving your Passport with it..........I take it you would approve if we all "Light Up" anywhere when the Smoking Ban comes in?


What is good enough for one, is good enough for another. :thumbsup:

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Lets have a look at what the Govt have done for the UK over the past few years, off the top of my head


1) banned the LEGAL ownership of handguns (Hmm, that's been worth it, 2 female PC's shot one killed)

2) decreased the age of consent for homosexual men. (great news for 80's rock stars)

3) banned fox hunting (that buggered my weekends up)

4) Blanket ban on smoking in public (bring on the smoking police)

5) Sent our boys to an illegal war (how much has that cost?)

6) increased public debt (but we're in good shape)

7) increased taxes (but this year in line with inflation, great !)

8) Lied (I'd be upset if they didn't)


ANy one want to continue?



How long has Labour been my voice? No thanks !!!!

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Well, I've been reading this thread with interest as I'm now on the other side from old posts I have argued in, in the past!

I quit smoking over 9 months ago now, I would say that I used to argue I was a considerate smoker, but in hindsight there's no such thing really! I see people who smoke trying to be considerate by wafting smoke away so not to blow it in my face, but the smoke just hangs in the atmosphere in the room so I'm breathing it in anyway! I have to say, I really really notice how foul it smells now and I'm quite ashamed I used to smell like that, when someone sits next to me on the bus, in the lifts at work when a smoker has just used it (!! It lingers!), in the street (yes wide open spaces), and obviously in pubs. I don't want to become an annoying ex-smoker and preach, so I don't. I used to smoke very heavily, especially when out in the pubs/clubs. I'm now seeing it from the other side and I go home and wake up with a sore chest and feel like I've smoked 40 fags the night before (I know what that used to feel like), when I haven't touched one. That is the effect of passive smoking, plain and simple. Yes, I can wash my clothes, yes I can wash my hair..my coat, that's a bit more annoying as not so easy to wash. But should I have to? Good question.


Do I want a ban? Mixed thoughts, I do believe in the right to choose, I don't like prohibition, right to choose works both ways, and at the moment my only choice is to not go out to avoid it if I don't like it, where's my right to choose there? (apart from Wetherspoons which I don't like as a pub). Of course I don't stay in, and I go out with my friends who smoke and I don't moan, I get on with it, but I have to say, it would be nice to not have to sit in the smoke breathing it in anymore. I still think better smoking rooms would be a good compromise though, with proper ventilation so smokers can still smoke, and at least that would stop the fag butts building up outside. I don't think this ban will stop most of my smoker friends from going out though because there's more of us non-smokers who will still be out having fun. They'll soon get used to nipping outside I guess. I don't think it will necessarily force people to give up. You've got to want to.


As for current smokers going on about nanny state and banning is wrong, it is being done for health reasons, to protect non-smokers. Just like drink driving was banned to stop innocent people from being killed. Things do get put in place for out protection.

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I actually saw my politicain a few weeks ago and the smoking issue did come up. She had already made her mind up and knew what she would vote 'if' the vote came forward.


So in answer to your questions, 1) yes i did and 2) I did and got know where.




but the guy who saw her after you will think she's marvellous,if he wanted the opposite to you that is. politicians can only have one vote, therefore she either pleases you or the other guy.

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a politician has today condemned the ban, because the children of smokers will have to put up with them smoking at home more often.


talk about passing on responsibility. its alright to kill my child by bringing the smoke in public,but its my fault that an 80 a dayer kills their own offspring.

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And what will you do if they vote without informing you of the upcoming vote? do you have a mole who informs you of all the private members bills currently going through?.


And what about our health secretary that promised not to blanket ban smoking and did a last minute u turn when the vote came up. Can you trust your local MP?


Also I would suggest that you don't burn your ID card once you've used it to gain a passport because your obviously unaware that you will eventually need it when you attend hospital or when the police pull you over, or you get stopped at customs... I could go on (and usually do) It will also no doubt cost you to replace it when you need it in the future !! Think On :thumbsup:



that'll be a shame for the people with no passport then won't it, since the id card will only be issued when a passport is applied for.


The trustworthyness of politicians is a completely seperate issue really, and I doubt I disagree with you on it.

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