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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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the toffs in prison aren't effected either


Then we can expect hardened criminals to make hundreds of passive-smoking compensation claims over the next few years :D


Home Office minister Fiona Mactaggart told MPs this week that the record prison population meant that prisons should be exempt as non-smokers would have to share cells with smokers. Staff also have to go into smokers' cells.


The government's legal advice is that banning smoking in cells would have the same legal status as banning individuals from smoking in their own home.


Taken from Smoking ban loophole gives prisons a problem

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but well save loads of money on the nhs from better national health and the economic implications of a healthier nation will be much greater than revenues lost imh


In your opinion?


Got any facts and figures on that?


The amount paid in tax far outweighs the cost to the NHS. In fact unlike politically correct, equally weak-minded pursuits like obesity, smokers pay a great deal more in tax.


In fact, those risk takers actually help to stave off the pensions crisis even more than it does now. Smokers choose to do this, they should be commended.

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Agree with both points.


I suspect the latter had little to do with health, but more to do with sticking it to the toffs?


Expecially as the House of Commons is exempt from the smoking ban*


*According to Radio Sheffield news at 9am this morning, the House of Commons (or it Lords?) is classed as a Palace, not a public building, so the smoking ban does not apply


So there you have it, people Do as I say, not as I do .


So smoker or non-smoker you should be outraged once again at these disgusting Fag-Ends we have as M'P's.

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Children being exposed to passive smoking is a horrible thing; not only are the kids exposed to a greater risk of asthma etc, but they're usually from poorer backgrounds where parents will spend more on tobacco and alcohol than on bringing up their children safely (a double whammy) and will be more likely to smoke themselves, continuing the vicious circle :(


The govt. probably have plans to recruit a few thousand more social workers to go into peoples' homes and check they're not smoking in front of the kids. If they are the kids will be put into care and the parents banged up for child cruelty :D


Anything is possible these days.

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although I agree with the ban there is one ban that I think should be brought in. That is drivers smoking. I have been in a car when the driver has taken their eyes off the road to light up and even been with one who nearly crashed because the smoke got in his eyes and another who dropped the cigarette onto her lap. This is more dangerous than the mobile which has already been banned while driving.:loopy:

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In your opinion?


Got any facts and figures on that?


The amount paid in tax far outweighs the cost to the NHS. In fact unlike politically correct, equally weak-minded pursuits like obesity, smokers pay a great deal more in tax.


no, i don't have any facts on this which is why i wrote imo


and you wrote "equally weak-minded persuits like obesity" got any facts and figures on that? i'd argue that smoking is a lot more addictive than eating unhealthy foods


economical implications on less people smoking are massive, not just savings in the NHS.


People will have more disposible income so good news for the retailers (perhaps less so for newsagents)


Healthier people implies more people in work which is of course good for the country


its complex thus no facts and figures

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The govt. probably have plans to recruit a few thousand more social workers to go into peoples' homes and check they're not smoking in front of the kids. If they are the kids will be put into care and the parents banged up for child cruelty :D


Anything is possible these days.


oh what a silly, pointless and obviously wrong post

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