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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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of course the only way for a non smoker to avoid the smoke would have been to avoid leaving their house as before yesterdays vote smokers rights always took precendence apparently.


What the government should do regarding transport is encourage the use of greener more economical styles. Ie biodiesel, and other alternative fuels should be subsidised to encourage their use.


Even if we turned every acre of our countryside including the national parks into land for growing fuel crops we still would not have enough land to provide for our current fuel needs. Thus we would be looking to the third world for provision and going down that road would lead to even more starvation.

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I'm a smoker and it doesn't bother me one bit. It's not as though it takes a lot of effort to go outside for a fag.


Exactly. i couldn't have put it better myself. All this rubbish about civil liberties etc. It is just about a bit of minor inconvenience all said and done. Some smokers are just so pathetic with their whinging.

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It's a long time to wait :( But at least they did it!


They've got the tax thing done quite well too - I doubt cigarette sales will drop that hugely, it is an addiction and it's not as easy to get shut of as 'hmm, okay I'll stop' for most people. But the cost to the NHS will decrease due to the health benefits from reduced passive smoking - and to be honest, I think the statistics on certain diseases over the next decade or so will show up just how much of an effect that was having - might even be striking enough for them to consider clamping down further. I personally believe the estimated costs to the NHS are well below the mark.


I'm completely in favour, in an ideal world I'd be more happy with a complete and utter ban of the disgusting things, but this is good. Plus I guess they are doing us a favour by removing stupid people and cutting down on the overpopulation problem, as long as they're not also damaging my health I don't mind.

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filty dirty smelly smokers put me off my food in pubs and restaurants, make my clothes and hair smell and puts fag smoke in my eyes and lungs.




You'll have to wait over a year... diddums. I don't actually think you go out anyway so your "food in pubs and restaurants", like the rubbish said by a lot of people is more fakery than truth.


As in i go blah blah times a weeks. As LA birds would say for a lot of those... whatever.

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It's a long time to wait :( But at least they did it!


They've got the tax thing done quite well too - I doubt cigarette sales will drop that hugely, it is an addiction and it's not as easy to get shut of as 'hmm, okay I'll stop' for most people. But the cost to the NHS will decrease due to the health benefits from reduced passive smoking - and to be honest, I think the statistics on certain diseases over the next decade or so will show up just how much of an effect that was having - might even be striking enough for them to consider clamping down further. I personally believe the estimated costs to the NHS are well below the mark.


I'm completely in favour, in an ideal world I'd be more happy with a complete and utter ban of the disgusting things, but this is good. Plus I guess they are doing us a favour by removing stupid people and cutting down on the overpopulation problem, as long as they're not also damaging my health I don't mind.


All in all, you sound to me as though you are full of self-righteousness.


Perhaps the Messiah has finally re-arrived on Earth as a crayfish...who knows?


With a bit of luck, if you get your Biology degree or whatever you aspire to achieve, do us all a favour and keep out of the "Caring Professions".


Perhaps a tub-thumping minor religious sect may be more appropriate to your nature. :gag:

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Damn I'll have to sell all those shares I've got in British American Tobacco......nah sod it plenty more of the third world markets to exploit, especially little children


Nah ha ha ha ha ha


(gathers black cape, dons top hat, twirls moustache - exits pub) :hihi:

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