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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

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  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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I wonder what effect the smoking ban will have on the fine, old, and still prevelant tradition of "after bird" or "lock in" as it is sometimes known.


I assume patio heaters will have to be switched off at chucking out time and it wouldn't be done for folks to be stood outside having a fag at two in the morning a couple of hours after the pub "closed".


Sadly I can only see it ending in more fees for m'learned friends.


Well in Ireland after closing time, if there's a lock in, the ashtrays are whipped out from under the bar where they've been stashed and all the smokers light up indoors just like the old days. I guess they think 'might as well get hung for a sheep as a lamb'. Although I hear the local police turn a blind eye and often partake themselves. :hihi:


Of course in a lot of our pubs drinking hours are longer now, so people will just be stood outside til 1 or 2 in the morning drinking and shouting.

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I wonder what effect the smoking ban will have on the fine, old, and still prevelant tradition of "after bird" or "lock in" as it is sometimes known.


I assume patio heaters will have to be switched off at chucking out time and it wouldn't be done for folks to be stood outside having a fag at two in the morning a couple of hours after the pub "closed".


Sadly I can only see it ending in more fees for m'learned friends.


If the pub had closed it's doors, and is outside trading hours, surely it becomes a private residence??

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The govt. probably have plans to recruit a few thousand more social workers to go into peoples' homes and check they're not smoking in front of the kids. If they are the kids will be put into care and the parents banged up for child cruelty :D


Anything is possible these days.



oh what a silly, pointless and obviously wrong post


Oh ? - what a rude rocketpig you are!...and rather lacking in imagination too, - if you think the anti-smoking lobby will be content with what they have achieved so far.


Children whose parents smoke are at serious risk to their health and don't have a choice about passive smoking. Are the govt. not going to do anything to help them now they've done so much for the adult population?


I'll be very surprised if this situation doesn't become the next target of the campaign and it will be far more divisive than the issue of smoking in pubs and clubs.

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Another odd little aspect to all this :--Over the past 20 years or more the Health and Safety people have been urging us all to give up smoking so as to improve the nation's health .

Millions of people have followed their advice .

However .......what a surprise !! We are spending more and more on private medicine , both in hospitals and chemists ' shops ........etc........

Our N.H.S. hospitals are under a constant strain , so we are told , despite the extra billions poured into the Health Service .

About 3 million people can't work due to disabilities and more and more children are suffering from asthma , apparently .

I suppose the Health and Safety people will really have to go back to the drawing board and search out for something else to ban . Obviously the reduction in smoking hasn't had a great effect on the nation's health . So , what will they stick their noses into next ? Could it be alcohol ? The Americans tried it for 11 years -----not very successfully-------but then the Americans of the 1920's were probably less like sheep than a lot of present -day Brits . Or could it be fatty or unsuitable food ?

One thing is for sure -------the Health and Safety Prodnoses will never , ever , be satisfied until practically every aspect of our lives is regulated and controlled . They're half -way there already------why stop now ?

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One thing is for sure -------the Health and Safety Prodnoses will never , ever , be satisfied until practically every aspect of our lives is regulated and controlled . They're half -way there already------why stop now ?


Exactly! They assume tax-paying adults are unable to make informed decisions about their own health.

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Weatherspoons have done a major trial of it and there's at least a 7- 10% reduction in takings across the board so that's tens of thousands of jobs lost and major closures of a hefty proportion of independent pubs especially in rural areas.


Isn't it more likely that they saw the decline during the trial as other places were allowing smoking just along the road from the Weatherspoons? With all venues being non-smoking, the choice will not be there, and so it won't affect business - after all people go to the pub not to smoke but to drink.

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Oh ? - what a rude rocketpig you are!...and rather lacking in imagination too, - if you think the anti-smoking lobby will be content with what they have achieved so far.


Children whose parents smoke are at serious risk to their health and don't have a choice about passive smoking. Are the govt. not going to do anything to help them now they've done so much for the adult population?


I'll be very surprised if this situation doesn't become the next target of the campaign and it will be far more divisive than the issue of smoking in pubs and clubs.


Am only rude when i say outrageuosly stupid posts....you've just done another one. I can't beleive you were being serious!!!


Health Advisors (not social workers) already visit homes where there are young children, and the parent does not have a choice over the visits. Parents are already made aware of the dangers to young children over passive smoking. And have you not seen all the tv adverts? i'd like to see the figures on the extent of the success of this scheme.


Your problem is you just see the recent ban to effect only people who go to the pubs and clubs, whereas i see it as a potential social reform which will help everybody, including the children

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Exactly! They assume tax-paying adults are unable to make informed decisions about their own health.


the problem wasn't there own health with this issue, it was the health of everyone else who had to suffer as everyone posting here is fully aware.


No one has banned you from killing yourself in whatever way you personally see fit, just don't take anyone else along for the ride.

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the problem wasn't there own health with this issue, it was the health of everyone else who had to suffer as everyone posting here is fully aware.


No one has banned you from killing yourself in whatever way you personally see fit, just don't take anyone else along for the ride.


But they've banned it in private members clubs. Now whats wrong with a club where people go to smoke providing the staff are smokers as well?

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But they've banned it in private members clubs. Now whats wrong with a club where people go to smoke providing the staff are smokers as well?


what about all those people who currently don't go to/or work at private members clubs because they're too smokey?


what about entertainment acts who go to these places?


ban is fair and great for them isn't it?

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