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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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what about all those people who currently don't go to/or work at private members clubs because they're too smokey?


what about entertainment acts who go to these places?


ban is fair and great for them isn't it?


No-one is being forced to work in smokey, private members clubs even now, so I fail to see why a club where everyone agrees to smoke is a problem. Even 'entertainment' acts could say 'no thanks' if they know the place has a smoking policy.

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The Banners will no doubt be rubbing their little hands with glee after their latest victory in the Battle of the Smokers .

They will now be sitting in their hygenic committee rooms , spectacles glinting in the light , unblinking eyes scanning the latest co-ordinators ' reports.

Glasses of gripe-water before them , jobs secured for life , fire-proof pensions , they will now be searching desperately for another way to get millions or billions out of the Government to campaign against anything they can dream up .

Suddenly a fantastic idea emerges . What about entering people's homes and prosecuting them for feeding their children dangerous food ?

Inspectors will be needed by the thousand , co-ordinators obviously , out-reach workers , counsellors , Heads of Departments , computers , link-ups , the Social Services , the Police ....................in an almost ecstatic mood one of them picks up the 'phone .

A couple of elderly people are being mugged in the street outside at that moment and three very fat children wobble by , swearing and breaking the odd window .

Welcome to the New Cool Britannia !!

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No-one is being forced to work in smokey, private members clubs even now, so I fail to see why a club where everyone agrees to smoke is a problem. Even 'entertainment' acts could say 'no thanks' if they know the place has a smoking policy.


you're right.......i just feel sorry for those people who's families go to these smokey working mens clubs and WILL have a premature death.


I'm all up for personal choice, but in this case IMO people are making the wrong choice and I simply think the government are right to intervein.


And what great news this is for pregnant mothers who will be able to go out for dinner without inhailing smoke


I'm aware its easy for me to say, as i'm a non-smoker

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The Banners will no doubt be rubbing their little hands with glee after their latest victory in the Battle of the Smokers .

They will now be sitting in their hygenic committee rooms , spectacles glinting in the light , unblinking eyes scanning the latest co-ordinators ' reports.

Glasses of gripe-water before them , jobs secured for life , fire-proof pensions , they will now be searching desperately for another way to get millions or billions out of the Government to campaign against anything they can dream up .

Suddenly a fantastic idea emerges . What about entering people's homes and prosecuting them for feeding their children dangerous food ?

Inspectors will be needed by the thousand , co-ordinators obviously , out-reach workers , counsellors , Heads of Departments , computers , link-ups , the Social Services , the Police ....................in an almost ecstatic mood one of them picks up the 'phone .

A couple of elderly people are being mugged in the street outside at that moment and three very fat children wobble by , swearing and breaking the odd window .

Welcome to the New Cool Britannia !!


why can't you simply see that people are for this ban because it could prevent our family members from a premature death?

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But they've banned it in private members clubs. Now whats wrong with a club where people go to smoke providing the staff are smokers as well?


I think that was taking it too far, although I don't personally mind as it's not my freedom it's encroaching from.

if a group of people want to set up a smoking club, they should have the right to do that.


But places that are nominally open to the general public, ie public houses, the opposite should apply.

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And what great news this is for pregnant mothers who will be able to go out for dinner without inhailing smoke


There are already millions of places a pregnant mother can go for a meal without inhaling smoke - although the home isn't one

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As reported on a thread here yesterday, the Houses of Parliament are exempt, being a "Palace". Westminster Tea Rooms and subsidised Bars continue as usual.


This will apply to all Palaces, Buck House etc.......


What about the "dangers" of secondary smoking to the reams of employees working in that "industry"?..........


I use the word "industry" with tongue in cheek........

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The Landlord at my local, the excellent Cask & Cutler, was spitting blood about this on Tuesday.


Not a New Labour fan at the best of times he was furious.


Now he is going to provide some sort of awning in the beer garden and a couple of heaters.


I look forward to seeing all the non-smokers on this thread and all those in the general populace who were so determined to ban smoking in pubs flock to the Cask now that the smokers will be banished. In that way the landlord won't have to put the prices up to cover the extra costs of his beer garden renovations.


He also said that it would probably sound the death knell for extractor fan industry - but by this time he was so furious he would have blamed Blair for anything

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So you're only up for freedom of choice if people make the right one, in your opinion? Unbelievable!


is choosing to use heroin the right choice in your opinion? Hopefully YOU judge this to be the wrong decision, so in your opinion people should be denied the freedom of choice.....its called making judgements, and thats how law making is done


You and I have different judgments on this, thats fine. the differnece is that 3 out of 4 of the countries representatives of the voters agree with me

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