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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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The health problems that smoking causes very serious illness for the smokers and a little less serious illness for those of us who have to breathe in the smoke. Remember Roy Castle!! If there are non-smokers present then all smokers should ask their consent before lighting up a cancer stick. I fully support the ban - It's not coming quick enough but I understand why business are being given about 18 months to bring in the necessary changes.

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sorry Joe


Suicide is not illegal in this country, and hasn't been for some time. It does little for the validity of the points you are arguing to display such ignorance. :)


You're right suicide has been legal since 1961, I was wrong. Its rather immature of you to think that this effects the validity of my opinions

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your opinions seem to be based on the flawed presumtion that the state has some sort of obligation to protect people from themselves. That isn't the case unless they are sectioned under the mental health act.

You did also apparently try to link someone to a topic guaranteed to be repulsive to most people, presumably in an attempt to make your argument look stronger, that sort of tactic is easily seen through and not a good way to debate something.

You also keep misrepresenting what AgentDan has said. He didn't say he had arguments for taking heroin, he said that there were arguments for legalising it. Cannabis would be a better 'illegal' drug to discuss in comparison to tobacco though, given the similarity in the way it's consumed and the purely personal health risks it presents. No one has ever claimed that people wanting their next joint go out and mug grandmas, unlike heroin which apparently does have that effect.

I'm with everyone else, opinions can't be wrong. Obviously you can disagree with them and try to change them either through providing information, explaining misunderstood points or showing why your opinion makes more sense. But opinions are based on personal values and as such there are no right or wrong opinons.

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oh i'm just agreeing with the ban against smoking in bars etc.


I bought up the heroin example to show that Dan's personal choice argument wasn't as crystal clear as he was making out.


I'm not really interested in this you can't say someone's oponion is wrong argument any longer. I can say that about his opinion on the heroin subject and i've never said that about anyones opinion before i don't think.

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Hmm, I apologise for the way in which I debated this - looking at rocketpigs posting, while I do agree with most of the things he's saying, he looks fairly rabid and so did I if not more so. Smoking is possibly the thing that gets me most wound up in the world but I got a bit carried away even so. I don't apologise for any of my opinions but I could have said them more nicely and less smugly.





But I'm still right ;).

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Hmm, I apologise for the way in which I debated this - looking at rocketpigs posting, while I do agree with most of the things he's saying, he looks fairly rabid and so did I if not more so. Smoking is possibly the thing that gets me most wound up in the world but I got a bit carried away even so. I don't apologise for any of my opinions but I could have said them more nicely and less smugly.





But I'm still right ;).


Well whisper it quietly but if it means my mates have to cut back in any way and it adds some years to their life then I'll be happy.


Still think the ban is wrong though

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There are some interesting ramifications of this new act:


What will happen during footie matches shown in pubs? Either a lot of drunk, tense footie fans will smoke anyway (and I wouldn't dare challenge 'em!) or they will have outdoor screens - very noisy for neighbours I should imagine!


Will bands have to go offstage at gigs to have smokes? I can think of a lot of performers who chain smoke.


What happens if the owner of the pub has a smoke? It's their home so can they have a drag or two?


What about parts in theatrical performances which demand that the actor smokes?


Is it really going to be as 'total' as we think it might be? :huh:

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I'm not sure how prisons could be considered public???


I expect that once in international waters a cruise ship/ferry can do pretty much what they like.


Dodgy massage parlours... I doubt the legislation specifically covers them, but I expect that they are considered to be a business with public areas, and thus are not exempt.




Eyuw! I bet there will be lots of naked people hanging outside and smoking by Le Chambre on Attercliffe Road! :o


I know that in hotels you'll be free to smoke in your own room, so perhaps cruise liners will be the same when docked in England? But I guess no-one will stop you from smoking on deck?



Careful Mathom, the owner of Le Chambre would not be too pleased at his establishment being called a 'dodgy massage parlour'. Hope he doesn't see your post and issue libel proceedings.:gag:


I read in the Star that it is a 'Swingers Club' for liberated adults:o

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