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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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Smoking ban:clap:

No more selfish berks in pubs blowing pollution in my face:clap:

They whinge about freedom and choice :loopy: what about my freedom not to be poisoned?

Long overdue IMO


When has anyone ever blown pollution in your face?


Stop using falsehoods to support an argument, it only weakens it.


As for the smoking ban, If every smoker decided to call it a day when the ban comes in, the revenue lost in the form of tax to this government would have a marked effect. It is tantamount to abusing your own population by offering them an addictive substance and charging them for it, then putting in whatever restrictions you like on the consumption of said substance, knowing that it won't affect this revenue because it is a highly addictive substance and thus very difficult to stop using it.


If this was really about people's health, rather than a way to appease some while keeping extra cash in your back pocket, they'd ban cigarettes entirely.


As for the ban, it's happened, what is there to debate? I just don't like the self satisfied smugness of some non smokers. Why are you being like this?


Is it the fear of your own mortality?


Is it that you see yourself somehow as 'better' than a smoker?


This thread has proven somehow that while smoking may likely kill you, being a smoker or not has nothing to do with you being a tolerant, nice or even considerate person, especially when you look at the venom filled words both sides have written here, perhaps even myself. If all you can do is preach your own hated of another, take a good look in the mirror about how 'considerate' a person you are...



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Poor herbert, his crusade is over.


What shall he be so self righteous about next?


Lets all think of a cause that herbert can be superior about, i suggest fat people... they are a menace to the NHS and take up more than their fair share of bus seats.

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When has anyone ever blown pollution in your face?


Stop using falsehoods to support an argument, it only weakens it.


As for the smoking ban, If every smoker decided to call it a day when the ban comes in, the revenue lost in the form of tax to this government would have a marked effect. It is tantamount to abusing your own population by offering them an addictive substance and charging them for it, then putting in whatever restrictions you like on the consumption of said substance, knowing that it won't affect this revenue because it is a highly addictive substance and thus very difficult to stop using it.


If this was really about people's health, rather than a way to appease some while keeping extra cash in your back pocket, they'd ban cigarettes entirely.


As for the ban, it's happened, what is there to debate? I just don't like the self satisfied smugness of some non smokers. Why are you being like this?


Is it the fear of your own mortality?


Is it that you see yourself somehow as 'better' than a smoker?


This thread has proven somehow that while smoking may likely kill you, being a smoker or not has nothing to do with you being a tolerant, nice or even considerate person, especially when you look at the venom filled words both sides have written here, perhaps even myself. If all you can do is preach your own hated of another, take a good look in the mirror about how 'considerate' a person you are...




Its an internet forum, people sharing their views, probably with more confidence than usual because we're in social issolation. In the words of the JoeP: If you don't like it .........


IMO: 14yr old kid who has the will power to say no to peer pressure versues the 14yr old kid who smokes to get into the in crowd: 1st example is a better, stronger person. Not saying this is how everyone starts smoking just giving a counter example to your you non-smokers think your so much better whine whine whine

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When has anyone ever blown pollution in your face?


Stop using falsehoods to support an argument, it only weakens it.


As for the smoking ban, If every smoker decided to call it a day when the ban comes in, the revenue lost in the form of tax to this government would have a marked effect. It is tantamount to abusing your own population by offering them an addictive substance and charging them for it, then putting in whatever restrictions you like on the consumption of said substance, knowing that it won't affect this revenue because it is a highly addictive substance and thus very difficult to stop using it.


If this was really about people's health, rather than a way to appease some while keeping extra cash in your back pocket, they'd ban cigarettes entirely.


As for the ban, it's happened, what is there to debate? I just don't like the self satisfied smugness of some non smokers. Why are you being like this?


Is it the fear of your own mortality?


Is it that you see yourself somehow as 'better' than a smoker?


This thread has proven somehow that while smoking may likely kill you, being a smoker or not has nothing to do with you being a tolerant, nice or even considerate person, especially when you look at the venom filled words both sides have written here, perhaps even myself. If all you can do is preach your own hated of another, take a good look in the mirror about how 'considerate' a person you are...




Well said Wilf.


The next thing is we shall all have to conform to the U.S Southern Baptist "Happy Clappy" Brigade whether we are smokers or not......let's hope Blair doesn't join their wing of the Church too soon. Mind you, Dubya will be working on that one as we speak.:loopy:

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I'm backing a total ban.


i totally hate it when i come home at night from clubbing had a good night but then absolutely stink of cigarette smoke its horrible and disgusting.

its alright if someone has chosen the path of dying of lung cancer doesn't mean they have to drag me and everyone else in the room down with them to an early death.


if they want to smoke yer fine they can go and do it in a room of other smokers where you have a choice to be expose to that, instead of making people if they like it or not breath in your smoke.

which i think is pretty selfish.

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