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Smoking banned in all pubs & clubs

do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?  

259 members have voted

  1. 1. do you back the total smoking ban in all public places ?

    • yes i back the ban
    • no i don't back the ban

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This thread has proven somehow that while smoking may likely kill you, being a smoker or not has nothing to do with you being a tolerant, nice or even considerate person, especially when you look at the venom filled words both sides have written here, perhaps even myself. If all you can do is preach your own hated of another, take a good look in the mirror about how 'considerate' a person you are...




Wilf, Can I congratulate you on a damn fine, pertinent post. The only thing that I would disagree with is that, for me, the venom seems to come only from the 'non-smoking' brigade. I don't smoke, never have apart from a brief flirtation at school but I have read some of the posts and had to double check that we weren't discussing paedophilia.


I would venture to say that come next summer, when the ban is enforced, Sheffield pubs could be quite dangerous places to visit- they will obviously then be filled with the hate-filled, intolerant non-smokers who have posted on this thread and hitherto have kept out of pubs. That is of course if they are to be believed!:rolleyes:

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whos telling who how to live who's lives?


MPs vote on legislation


people on this forum have debated the outcome


MPs only voted on legislation after a long campaign by anti-smoking groups who targeted a legal activity.


They are telling others how to live their lives, just like anyone else who condemns ppl for smoking.


who next? liberty is easily eroded.

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Well, I didn't think I was whining but then again that's your opinion.


I'm very worried if all you are classifying the kids on is that one issue of willpower. Lets flesh out this examples shall we?


Kid A (the one with the willpower in your eyes) considers smoking beneath him, doesn't agree with the kids and feels he is somehow now better than them. This progresses into a full blown superiority complex, leading to a life of isolation and loneliness. Devoid of any human intimacy, he sinks further into his own fantasy world, eventually leading to a series of brutal serial killings where he dishes out vigilante justice to prostitutes, tramps and beggars. He is eventually cought, having ruined many lives and is now a significant cost to the taxpayer due to life inprisonment.


Kid B (the worse person in your eyes) begins to smoke, he is chatty, sociable and while not wholly dedicated to school, he goes through the system fairly unscathed. He goes on to university after a year of voluntary work, dabbles with illegal substances while finding his passion. He gets a good job (perhaps teaching) and still continues to smoke, finally kicking the habit due to his own realisation and a bit of nicotine patch assisted willpower in his early/mid 30s.


But thanks for backing up my point about you somehow equating non smokers somehow being better people. I couldn't have used a better analogy of a narrow viewpoint myself. :thumbsup:



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This thread, to me, is going nowhere.

Government votes are setting good people against good people.


It is a designed distraction. When a Government has lost the confidence of it's Electorate, it can only use the old maxim of "Divide and Rule"


We are all ordinary people all trying to live together, and support each other.


We shouldn't be arguing about this situation between us ..it is a set up by Government, to distract us from the very real problems they have presented us with.


Government's come and go. Let's keep a Community Spirit together. We should not be "fighting" each other, we should be poking them all in the eye with a short stick, and perhaps with that spirit of live and let live, they ultimately will, all of the Political Parties, be seen as the scoundrels they truly are.


We have the vote, let's us it wisely, and ignore their "spin"


Let's vote in people of proven principle, whoever and wherever we may find them.

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I think Wilf needs to get out more


KID C: turns down the offer of a smoke because he realises right from wrong, doesn't want to decieve his parents or perhaps die prematurely like a family member. anything could then happen in his life.......


KID D: thinks smoking will make him look cool because he's shallow. Lies to and steals from his parents so he can look cool. Now he's addicted, only wishes he didn't start in the first place. anything could then happen in his life.......


welcome to reality

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I think Wilf needs to get out more


KID C: turns down the offer of a smoke because he realises right from wrong, doesn't want to decieve his parents or perhaps die prematurely like a family member. anything could then happen in his life.......


KID D: thinks smoking will make him look cool because he's shallow. Lies to and steals from his parents so he can look cool. Now he's addicted, only wishes he didn't start in the first place. anything could then happen in his life.......


welcome to reality


If your reality is that you think all smokers become criminals, I'm glad I live in MY reality thanks, I judge less.



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I heard this debated on the radio the other day, they estimated the number of smokers that would quit as a result of this.


The reaction of the anti smoking caller who was on at the time was priceless when he realised is income tax or VAT might go up. The extra tax should be on polution he insisted, increase tax on fuel he said. on further questioning it turned out that he didn't drive, perhaps he's a drinker and so obviously never thought of placing extra tax on alcohol.

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I think Wilf needs to get out more


KID C: turns down the offer of a smoke because he realises right from wrong, doesn't want to decieve his parents or perhaps die prematurely like a family member. anything could then happen in his life.......


KID D: thinks smoking will make him look cool because he's shallow. Lies to and steals from his parents so he can look cool. Now he's addicted, only wishes he didn't start in the first place. anything could then happen in his life.......


welcome to reality


Maybe the chances of kid D would be greatly improved if his teacher didn't write him off so easily.

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