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Omega-3 supplements increase risk of prostate cancer

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Caught a bit of this on the news this morning, however nothing on the BBC site at the moment.




"...But a study found that men with high levels of omega-3 in their blood were at 43 per cent greater risk of prostate cancer than those with low concentrations, while less common aggressive “high-grade” tumours were 71 per cent more likely than in those not taking supplements."

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From the article: 'Dr Alan Kristal, senior author of the paper, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, said: “We’ve shown once again that use of nutritional supplements may be harmful.” '


So use of a supplement may be harmful and failing to use a supplement may be harmful?


What do you want? Life doesn't come with guarantees.


I remember - some years ago - when the Calioirnians (who reckon that anything and everything will 'cause cancer in laboratory animals') were rattling on about the chances of getting cancer from tonic water.


I mentioned the study to a friendof mine (my doctor) and he pointed out that to get anywhere near the same dose of quinine that the rats got you would need to drink about 100 gallons of tonic water at one sitting.


As he said: "You may or may not get cancer - but the gin wouldn't do you a lot of good."


If you drink 7 or 8 litres of water at a sitting, it will make you very ill (might even poison you.)


So don't do it.


If you consume vast amounts of Omega 3 oils it may well increase your chance of getting cancer.


So don't do it.

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From the article: 'Dr Alan Kristal, senior author of the paper, published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, said: “We’ve shown once again that use of nutritional supplements may be harmful.” '


What's it got to do with supplements? They claim to have shown that high levels of 0mega-3 oils in the blood is correlated to greater risk of prostate cancer- that could just as easily come from eating plenty of oily fish.

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