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Peter the great (mod)

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well if there's no stamp on them, the receiver will have to pay when they arrive


No, they're franked- it avoids the stamping. It's by either Neopups or Pitbull Bow-wowes.


It's alright joking about it, I know for a fact that Pete also sells Alcoblog's ideas on the black market though

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Well....it's really good of you all to compliment me in such a way. :blush: Thank you.


Mr Bloke, although said slightly tongue in cheek is right about all the other mods. It's all a matter of personality and differing styles, and as someone pointed out, maybe the longer you do it, the more 'jaded' (and less patient) you tend to be.


I do try to be 'fair' and mod with a degree of common sense, and lets face it, manners cost nothing whatsoever. It's the way I was brainwashed brought up as a kid!


Jane2008: It's not feasible to blanket ban an IP, as there may be several users in one household for instance using the same broadband connection. Block the IP and everyone on that IP gets denied access. That's not fair on those behaving!


Just some friendly advice. Don't let this thread descend into a mod bashing thread....hahaha...or someone might be stamping on more than puppies!...hahaha


It's sort of odd that threads about individuals aren't allowed on the forum. I suppose whilst everyone is saying nice things it will remain. So really as a mouthpiece for debate it is going to be rather one sided.

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I didn't realise that Pete had so many accounts on here! :D


Anyway, I think he'd probably agree with me that to single him out is a bit unfair on all the other mods who, in my opinion, do a great job as well! :thumbsup:


That should see me 'safe' for a while at least... :hihi:


:clap::banana::clap: Yay Mr Black ware heave yew bean high ding?:D Hand wye hare yew tork king fun knee?

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It must be a very difficult job being a Mod. I couldnt do it ! Mind you they wouldnt ask me as you cant be a Mod if youve ever been banned ! Ive been banned on quite a few occasions mainly for chatting too much on threads !:rolleyes:


Thats me out as well then :clap:

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Shouldn't this thread be removed? After all there is a rule regarding posting about moderators/moderating standards.


We wouldn't want accusations of double standards now would we?


This is a thread about praising a guy for doing a great job so lets not have it closed down with any bickering :cool:

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