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Peter the great (mod)

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My thread was started to praise the way pete moderates with politeness and manners not to start bashing the mods. I was simply saying why can't other mods be more like pete who explains himself and has the courtesy to say please and thank you when moderating. If you read his posts you will notice that if he moves a thread or closes a thread he usually explains why and says thank you. I have had threads closed and posts just disappear for no reason but pete usually gives some sort of explanation. I would rather other mods be more like pete than pete be like other mods. PLEASE NO MORE BASHING

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So my question is, is Pete liked so much because he actually does nothing, sits on the fence, shuffles papers, upsets no one. Maybe Pete is good cop and rides the coat tales of bad cops. This definitely needs looking into further I feel.


It may be a thankless task, but they signed up for it, what do they want thanking for?


Thank you for deleting my thread.

Thank you for deleting all my posts and wasting my time just because you personally happen to find something unacceptable or against your views.

Thank you for banning me for no reason without warning.

Thank you for passing judgement on what is and what isn't acceptable behaviour based on whether or not your partner shouted at you this morning.

I could go on.


Moderators aren't bad people of course, but I fail to see why they deserve praise. Literally anyone with a computer and fingers can mod a site. It isn't a talent, a vocation or anything of value, that's why they don't get paid.


---------- Post added 11-07-2013 at 18:40 ----------



I'm not trying to get the thread closed, but if it is, then you see my point. I'm totally on board the train of love for Pete Morris though, just because it appears to be fashionable.


That's a little ungrateful,and possibly disrespectful too.

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I don't understand all this, "we do a thankless task" nonsense.


People choose to mod a website, nobody puts a gun to their heads. If they then find out quite a lot of work is involved, they can either continue preferably without moaning or quit. What do they want thanking for? If all mods quit their roles tomorrow the forums wouldn't vanish, if anything they would probably become more interesting. As for un-modded sites that get spammed a lot, I personally like finding out about new places to buy viagra.


If you look at unmodded forums they descend to infantile within about a week and start a concerted effort to get back into the womb in week two. There is one such beast round these parts and it makes "an audience with Timmy Mallet and the Chuckle Brothers talking about crisps" seem dangerously intellectual.


We don't always agree with decisions (and I've spent my fair share of time cuffed in the back of the forum police car) but without on the ball mods any forum becomes unusable by normal people and gets battered by the lulz cyber tossers who spend their sad little lives trolling in their stained y-fronts eating cheesy wotsits while scratching their cheesy wotsits.


So yey mods, Pete being a jolly good one. As is Mort, though that will annoy the OP. ;)

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It may be a thankless task, but they signed up for it, what do they want thanking for?


You said the last part, not them. 'Signing up for a thankless task' then wanting thanks would be absurd. Even saying 'we don't get thanked' isn't asking to be thanked.


If you see how much work goes in to running a forum, you would at least appreciate the time spent. With no modding or watching over the spamming, sites are virtually unreadable and crap within hours.


You used to see it in here at night when there were clearly no mods about. Spammers who get past the anti-spam software can fill every section's main page in a few minutes.

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If you look at unmodded forums they descend to infantile within about a week and start a concerted effort to get back into the womb in week two. There is one such beast round these parts and it makes "an audience with Timmy Mallet and the Chuckle Brothers talking about crisps" seem dangerously intellectual.


We don't always agree with decisions (and I've spent my fair share of time cuffed in the back of the forum police car) but without on the ball mods any forum becomes unusable by normal people and gets battered by the lulz cyber tossers who spend their sad little lives trolling in their stained y-fronts eating cheesy wotsits while scratching their cheesy wotsits.


So yey mods, Pete being a jolly good one. As is Mort, though that will annoy the OP. ;)


FINALLY someat we 100% agree on :)

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