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Milo Drinking Chocolate

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I was born in mid 1940 and remember that the night time drink of cocoa was the dark and bitter Bourneville type which was made with hot water, sugar and milk. Or if you were posh, made with hot milk and sugar. Soon after the war ended I remember we had a type of drinking chocolate called Milo. I now hear that it was from Australia and was originally developed as a health drink when recovering from illness. Then in came Cadbury Drinking Chocolate and Milo then went off the shelves


Having lived in Malaysia for the last 7 years I can tell you that this country is the worlds biggest consumer of Milo. There are a number of types available, and we drink it hot or cold. It is even in the cold cabinets in shops, garages etc. It is still given to patients in the hospitals as a health drink


My daughters now take it back home with them after their usual 2 months visit every year - one to Driffield, East Yorkshire, UK and the other to Vancouver. I always also include bags of it in any parcels I send, or when any friends are going to the UK or Canada.


Anyone as old as myself who remembers drinking Milo as a child ?


Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Malaysia

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I have a 1kg tin right here. It was $6.00 on special. I once heard that you can drink it if you mix it with milk. I must let my lads know this because they insist that you eat it by the spoonful ;)


survival food, mix it with oats, nuts and currants oh and sugar suppose a handfull keeps you going all day:suspect::suspect:

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