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Doncaster Free Press reporter threatened by far-right

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This 'Doncaster Free Press Reporter ' who was (allegedly) threatened by 'the extreme right'.


Would it be fair to describe her as being 'extreme left?'


Unless you have some evidence to support that claim, no, it wouldn't be fair.


Why did the 'extreme right' threaten her? - Was it in response to her behaviour?


Because threats and intimidation are what they do.


If the 'extreme right' did indeed threaten her and if she has grounds to make a complaint of assault, why hasn't she done so?


We don't know that she hasn't made a complaint to the police.


If there are no grounds for a complaint of assault, is this (yet another) storm in a teacup?


Given that there are two people posting on this thread who say they have seen online threats posted I think not - unless, Rupert, you think that


''Threats to (to try any put it as delicately as possible) 'stuff the young lady's womanhood with razor blades and throttle her' (the actual post, which had 16 'likes' was not worded in the manner above, but I'll mercifully spare you a direct quote).'' (Originally posted by Lord Monty)


is nothing to get upset about.

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