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Europe was once gripped by Nazism, now you can be arrested for nazi salutes and goose stepping in parts of Europe, and neo-nazi groups are outlawed, it's not considered tyrannical.


And Nazism was less fanatical than Islam.


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 14:02 ----------


Is it possible to ban religion in a non tyrannical manner?


Why are you asking me?:huh:

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And Nazism was less fanatical than Islam.


That is offensive, not just to Muslims. I don't think that many Jews would also agree, along with our WW2 veterans and their families.


Rather than just throwing out a few platitudes; maybe you can give an in depth defence of your position?


Why are you asking me?:huh:



The quote has been amended, sorry.

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That is offensive, not just to Muslims. I don't think that many Jews would also agree, along with our WW2 veterans and their families.


Rather than just throwing out a few platitudes; maybe you can give an in depth defence of your position?





The quote has been amended, sorry.


Yes Muslims are easily offended, they even kill people for offending them and threaten people that draw cartoon or write books.


But the truth ofter hurts, and briefly they were both spread through war and conquest, they both started with the delusions of one man, they both have the same aim.

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Yes Muslims are easily offended, they even kill people for offending them and threaten people that draw cartoon or write books.


But the truth ofter hurts, and briefly they were both spread through war and conquest, they both started with the delusions of one man, they both have the same aim.


I think that you need to search your on line dictionary so you can tell the difference between "the truth" and "opinion".


Also your laughable justification of your opinion, doesn't even come close to supporting it.

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---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 14:06 ----------


How do you know that her words will mean nothing in Pakistan? Girls in Pakistan don't want an education?


Be smart, I trust you. You can dislike the Taliban and have faith that people will stand up to them in all countries where girls are being denied their basic rights.



even if you could make education available to all is not going to change a country, in the particular case of Pakistan the problems are many,

First there is corruption at the core of the nation, wealthy commercial interest merged with the political dynasty that dominate the political landscape of the country!

Then you have a movement that is not part of the existing power base:

The Taliban is not the only conservative force in the country, the massive Kasmiri Separatist movement is as powerful as the Taliban, while at the core of all this mess, the Military whom established connection are so similar to those in Egypt and Iran, does not hid the fact that they are extremely conservetive

It does not help when there is a massive tribal and clan base society (in the city and in the country side) that maintain its string hold on the people through blood and "Honour" which stands for female lossing out when it comes to anything that would have challenge the dominance of the male patriarchal leadership!

Not to say the massive amount of Blasphemy cases that was used almost in a day to day basis to silence anything that threaten the status quo, which again a matter of blood and "honour

Without a massive Political and civic reform of the entire country, no amount of education could change anything,

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Surely what Pakistan (and many other countries in the grip of it) needs to do is abandon Islam altogether since it will never exist there in a peaceful tolerant non-tyrannical format. Ban it, demolish all mosques, burn all korans, outlaw following Islam. Go completely secular.


You clearly do not know what the word secular means.

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I think that you need to search your on line dictionary so you can tell the difference between "the truth" and "opinion".


Also your laughable justification of your opinion, doesn't even come close to supporting it.


I consider the history of Nazism and Islam to be facts, but if it makes you feel better we can call them opinions.

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That is offensive, not just to Muslims. I don't think that many Jews would also agree, along with our WW2 veterans and their families.


Rather than just throwing out a few platitudes; maybe you can give an in depth defence of your position?





The quote has been amended, sorry.


If Nazism was more fanatical, how come as an ideology it's all but rescinded, yet Islam has persisted for about 1400 years?

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what bothers me is how many people beleive in this stupid idiotic

cult of Listening to children as if they have some special knowledge and wisdom on politics.

and they also think its ok for a 16 yearold kid to be set up as a target for islamic extremists:huh:

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I consider the history of Nazism and Islam to be facts, but if it makes you feel better we can call them opinions.


No, you are sharing your opinion on your knowledge of history. This shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp should it?


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 15:44 ----------


If Nazism was more fanatical, how come as an ideology it's all but rescinded, yet Islam has persisted for about 1400 years?


I wouldn't judge the levels of fanaticism solely on the length of an ideologies existence.

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