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No, you are sharing your opinion on your knowledge of history. This shouldn't be a hard concept to grasp should it?


Its not my opinion, its history, what Hitler did happened, what Mohammad did happened, which one are you claiming didn't happen.

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Which bit do you disagree with, are you claiming the Nazis didn't kill lots of people or are you claiming armies of Islam lead by Mohammad didn't kill lots of people.


Fine if that is all that you are claiming maybe you can amend this post, where you put forward this opinion as being the truth?


And Nazism was less fanatical than Islam.
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I can only assume you are trolling.


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 13:57 ----------


Non of the above.



I understand Islam, and Islam is extremism, an ideology perpetuated by violence and misinformation since its inception, it must therefor follow that its followers are extremists or victims of it.




A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, esp. for an extreme religious or political cause.

You can't possibly describe Islam as non fanatical, women cover head to toe because they believe it is the wish of God, using a book whiten by men 1400 years ago as instructions on how to live ones life would fall under the category of fanatical.


Terrorism, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter, Muslims support what they describe as freedom fighters, but we call terrorists.


Islamic terrorism is a form of religious warfare that goes all the way back to its inception. When a Muslim kills a Non-Muslim for the religious reasons of Jihad, whether he acted alone or as the member of a large cell, the act cannot be divorced from its goals for the larger Islamic community. Islamic terrorism is a communal activity that takes place within the context of an Islamic manifest destiny. He does not kill for himself, he takes the lives of others and offers his own life in the name of a historical idea of theocracy and supremacy.


Whether you read my comments elsewhere, in whichever guise you replied in, I'll say this again.


You demonstrate, again and again your woeful and shocking lack of understanding about Islam.


I said this before, so forgive me, folks, if I repeat myself, for the sake of Max-smith-imus.


There are two forms of Jihad.


There is the Greater Jihad, which is the struggle to control of the self, the desires, following God, refraining from sin, and doing good.


It's interesting to note that this is called the GREATER Jihad. This is the one that is considered the most important, the paramount.


The LESSER jihad is the concept of fighting outwardly for God, and for the sake of Islam, and as its name suggests, it is secondary to the Greater Jihad, and is less significant than the struggle to control our desires and selfishness.


As for your ill-researched and offensive point that

Islamic terrorism is a form of religious warfare that goes all the way back to its inception.
once again, you seem proud of your ignorance and lack of understanding in perpetrating your lies.


You forget what times The Prophet lived in, and the tribal disagreements and skirmishes that surrounded the people of the holy lands. (and indeed other places, at that time including Europe) You make far more of the tribal warring of The Prophet's time than it warrants. The skirmishes are being made to sound, through your bias, as if it were on a par with the USSR versus the USA.

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Whether you read my comments elsewhere, in whichever guise you replied in, I'll say this again.


You demonstrate, again and again your woeful and shocking lack of understanding about Islam.


I said this before, so forgive me, folks, if I repeat myself, for the sake of Max-smith-imus.


There are two forms of Jihad.


There is the Greater Jihad, which is the struggle to control of the self, the desires, following God, refraining from sin, and doing good.


It's interesting to note that this is called the GREATER Jihad. This is the one that is considered the most important, the paramount.


The LESSER jihad is the concept of fighting outwardly for God, and for the sake of Islam, and as its name suggests, it is secondary to the Greater Jihad, and is less significant than the struggle to control our desires and selfishness.


As for your ill-researched and offensive point that once again, you seem proud of your ignorance and lack of understanding in perpetrating your lies.


You forget what times The Prophet lived in, and the tribal disagreements and skirmishes that surrounded the people of the holy lands. (and indeed other places, at that time including Europe) You make far more of the tribal warring of The Prophet's time than it warrants. The skirmishes are being made to sound, through your bias, as if it were on a par with the USSR versus the USA.


Not at all, he is a man revered by millions despite the atrocities he and his followers have committed over the centuries, and all in the name of an imaginary God, I see him as no better than Hitler and would oppose anyone that reveres Hitler.


The Qur'an describes how Muslims should deceive non believers.


Taqiyya and Kitman

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The LESSER jihad is the concept of fighting outwardly for God, and for the sake of Islam, and as its name suggests, it is secondary to the Greater Jihad, and is less significant than the struggle to control our desires and selfishness.


As for your ill-researched and offensive point that once again, you seem proud of your ignorance and lack of understanding in perpetrating your lies.


You forget what times The Prophet lived in, and the tribal disagreements and skirmishes that surrounded the people of the holy lands. (and indeed other places, at that time including Europe) You make far more of the tribal warring of The Prophet's time than it warrants. The skirmishes are being made to sound, through your bias, as if it were on a par with the USSR versus the USA.


It's not an entirely incorrect point then is it. Islam does have a concept of promoting violence for itself and for god in the form of the lesser jihad. I think the rest of your post about the greater jihad is fairly irrelevant, since when people talk of jihad in the context of violence, it is obvious they refer to what you term as the lesser jihad.


As for the times Muhammed lived in, times have changed little in some countries, where there are still inter tribal feuds, often settled by the marrying off of 9 year old girls (I wonder where they got that idea from ;))


Also, some of the conquests of Muhammed were probably that, conquests, that can't be reduced down to small tribal feuds.

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It's not an entirely incorrect point then is it. Islam does have a concept of promoting violence for itself and for god in the form of the lesser jihad. I think the rest of your post about the greater jihad is fairly irrelevant, since when people talk of jihad in the context of violence, it is obvious they refer to what you term as the lesser jihad.


As for the times Muhammed lived in, times have changed little in some countries, where there are still inter tribal feuds, often settled by the marrying off of 9 year old girls (I wonder where they got that idea from ;))


Also, some of the conquests of Muhammed were probably that, conquests, that can't be reduced down to small tribal feuds.


Yawn, yet more uninformed rubbish from someone who only knows "tabloid-soundbite Islam".

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Yawn, yet more uninformed rubbish from someone who only knows "tabloid-soundbite Islam".


If it's tabloid soundbite Islam, that's what you've written Plain Talker. You talk about "The LESSER jihad is the concept of fighting outwardly for God" (your quote), so the fact is Islam has as one of it's core beliefs the concept of taking up arms for itself and for the god you follow.


And yes tribal disputes are settled with the marrying off of young girls, that is fact, I suggest you become more informed. Your prophet married such a young girl, so how can they be doing wrong in the eyes of Islam?

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Yawn, yet more uninformed rubbish from someone who only knows "tabloid-soundbite Islam".


Here's one of those tabloid soundbites.






The literal meaning of Jihad is struggle or effort, and it means much more than holy war.


Muslims use the word Jihad to describe three different kinds of struggle:


A believer's internal struggle to live out the Muslim faith as well as possible

The struggle to build a good Muslim society

Holy war: the struggle to defend Islam, with force if necessary

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