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One brave girl ..

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I don't for one moment think it is possible. But my opinion is, it will remain a country mired in religious strife whilst ever Islam exists, for I don't believe it can peacefully exist in a tolerant format in that country.


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 23:35 ----------



No, you can't come up with a counter argument. Humour me, do any other religions have a religious concept of holy war, of taking up arms in the name of god and ones religion? And I mean as a religious doctrine? Not for what their followers have actually done, such as the crusades.

Some accolytes of the Salvation Army had a penchant for introcucing the homeless to Doc Martin back in the 80's..does that count ?:hihi:

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You are talking tommyrot again.


No, in Islam you make society good by being a good Muslim, acting with kindness and honesty, and by being a good person.


So are you saying that being a good Muslim is shooting schoolgirls in the head as is done by Pakistani Muslims or that Boko Haram in Nigeria are good Muslims for attacking schools and murdering school children and doctors who administered polio injections?

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Well he may be a contemptible little so and so but he does have one good point.


The very fact that there is a concept of violent jihad within Islam is dodgy, even if it is the lesser Jihad.


The very fact that the founder of the religion himself commanded armies is dodgy.


That's a bad thing, whatever way you look at it. It means that those extremist Mullahs really don't have to work very hard at all to 'twist' Islam to convince young people to take up the cause of violence. They have an easy task of it, thanks to fundamental beliefs within the religion and the historical examples they can point to.


What they are putting out is a plausible version of Islam, no matter how many times you say it's not the real Islam. You may be right, it may be the case that Mohammed would be deeply ashamed of them were he around today, but the point is that it is a plausible version, and very convincing to angry young men.


It would be a lot harder for them to do this if the founder had, say for example, said things like 'love your enemy' and 'turn the other cheeek', and had never commanded armies.


My bold.


So Richard III wasn't a good king during his reign because there was war between the "Tribe" of York and the "Tribe" of Lancaster?

Or was Churchill not a great leader, having been in charge of the UK in wartime?


Re the lesser/ greater jihads:- the real Qur'anic focus is on the Greater Jihad of the internal struggle, and the Lesser Jihad is only focussed on in passing.

There are rules of warfare laid down in Islam, such as humanitarian treatment of prisoners of war, and only being allowed to kill a legitimate combatant (IE another soldier) it does state quite clearly that the elderly, women and children are not to be considered as legitimate combatants. (which the idiot shaykhs and mullahs don't teach in their stupidity of "Suicide is good" rubbish:- No, in Islam suicide is proscribed, very clearly and with no ambiguity. (As in Catholicism, it's considered a sin.)


---------- Post added 15-07-2013 at 00:08 ----------


So are you saying that being a good Muslim is shooting schoolgirls in the head as is done by Pakistani Muslims or that Boko Haram in Nigeria are good Muslims for attacking schools and murdering school children and doctors who administered polio injections?


Your comments are utterly offensive and objectionable. You read for yourself in my comment that I stated that you had to do good, so for you to make that allegation against me, you are going beyond the pale.


In the Qur'an it states that if you take one life, it is as if you have killed the whole of mankind. Again no ifs, no buts. You take a single life, it is as if you have destroyed the whole of mankind.

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My bold.


So Richard III wasn't a good king during his reign because there was war between the "Tribe" of York and the "Tribe" of Lancaster?

Or was Churchill not a great leader, having been in charge of the UK in wartime?

Completely and utterly irrelevant, if a religion popped up who worshipped Churchill or Richard the 3rd as god's devine messenger then I'd make the same points against them.


Yes, much of human history was a bad time, filled with tribal conflict, ingnorance, and barbarism. That's precisely why it's a terrible idea to revere figures from that era as divinely mandated.


Find me the person who thinks that Richard the Third was god's last messenger and who gave humanity the perfect code of how we should live our lives.


Find me the person who thinks that Winston Churchill was god's last messenger and who gave humanity the perfect code of how we should live our lives.


Otherwise, come up with a different rebuke.


Re the lesser/ greater jihads:- the real Qur'anic focus is on the Greater Jihad of the internal struggle, and the Lesser Jihad is only focussed on in passing.
The point is it exists and is a fundamental part of the religion, it's not going to go away.

There are rules of warfare laid down in Islam

That's pretty lame. How can the 'religion of peace' have rules of warfare laid down within it's writings? That does not make sense.

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You are talking tommyrot again.


No, in Islam you make society good by being a good Muslim, acting with kindness and honesty, and by being a good person.


And a good Muslim must aim for a Muslim society, one without non Muslims, and good Muslims are permitted to deceive non Muslims whilst trying to create their ideal Muslim society, It matters not what you say because it is all in black and white in the book you follow.


As for malala, she is the victim of a barbaric ideology created by men 1400 years ago, and hopefully through education she will escape its clutches, or she could rewrite the Qur'an and be revered as the latest prophet of God and it can finally be called the religion pf piece.


Its ironic that for her own safety she has to flee from a Muslim society which is built on Islamic value, to a society built on non Islamic values which Muslims aspire to change.

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lol the taliban have sort of apologised




A senior Pakistani Taliban leader has said he was "shocked" by his group's near-fatal attack on schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai last October.


but instead of apologising he then tries to blame her of running a smear campaign against them and thats why she was shot :loopy::huh:

In a letter to Malala, Adnan Rasheed stops short of apologising but says he wished the attack "had never happened".


He also claims the shooting was not in response to Malala's campaign for girls' education, but because she ran an anti-Taliban "smear campaign".


then he almost apologises again

Writing in his "personal capacity", Rasheed said he felt "brotherly" emotions towards Malala because they belong to the "same Yousufzai tribe".


and then............apparently not


However, he refuses to say the attack was wrong, saying the judgement on whether it was correct or not should be left to God.
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and then............apparently not
However, he refuses to say the attack was wrong, saying the judgement on whether it was correct or not should be left to God.


Strange how it's up to god to say if the attack was wrong but not up to god to say if her actions were wrong.

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Strange how it's up to god to say if the attack was wrong but not up to god to say if her actions were wrong.


Allah knows everything that will happen before it happens.

Allah is all powerful and capable of changing anything.

Everything that happens must therefore be the will of Allah.

Believers follow the will of Allah, they don't question it.




He is Allah, besides whom there is no god. He has knowledge of everything, whether perceptible or imperceptible. He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah, besides whom there is no god, the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One, the Giver of peace, the Keeper of faith, the Supreme, the Mighty one, the All powerful and the Majestic. Exalted be He above what they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth gives glory to Him. He is the Mighty, the Wise".

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