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One brave girl ..

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i understand that she is a muslim and was attacked by muslims ,but why ask if she is a good or bad muslim ? and why do you have to try to pick a fight ?

because theres a very vocal group on here who denounce EVERY muslim, to denounce islam, even when its muslims that are attacked


i have an interest in the standing when a muslim is attacked like this, does that change viewpoints, does that mean agressor and victim are hated?

to me its a strange turn of events

or do people try to twist things? like youre doing now?

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because theres a very vocal group on here who denounce EVERY muslim, to denounce islam, even when its muslims that are attacked


i have an interest in the standing when a muslim is attacked like this, does that change viewpoints, does that mean agressor and victim are hated?

to me its a strange turn of events

or do people try to twist things? like youre doing now?


please oh mighty one tell me what i am trying to twist, and please show me where i have denounced any muslim

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Her address to the United Nations will be compared to the speeches of Martin Luther King.

It's not going to happen anytime soon but she's going to be the inspiration for all oppressed girls and women that they too have the right to an education and in time the demise of the ignorant cultures that deny them such basic rights

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did i not mention her the other day and it got shot down?


so is she a bad muslim or a good muslim?

Its of no consequence to me if shes a good muslim or a bad muslim I dont question the individuality I question Islam, christ sakes Iv posted that enough.

shes very brave but shes deluded if she thinks she can change things over there,she can spout of to her hearts content over here the consequences of what she says and does back in her home country is the reason shes here in the first place,or have you missed that point .Iv told you before dont base Islam on what you perceive over here ,look to the east for the true face of Islam

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Her address to the United Nations will be compared to the speeches of Martin Luther King.

It's not going to happen anytime soon but she's going to be the inspiration for all oppressed girls and women that they too have the right to an education and in time the demise of the ignorant cultures that deny them such basic rights



and shes STILL a muslim

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But one alas who will never dare go home and her words from over here will mean nothing back in her home country



She is an amazing and remarkable girl. She has the potential to become a powerful force for change as she matures, I see she could even go into politics and one day challenge to be PM or President of Pakistan.

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She is an amazing and remarkable girl. She has the potential to become a powerful force for change as she matures, I see she could even go into politics and one day challenge to be PM or President of Pakistan.

and shes still a muslim :suspect:

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I denounce Islam as an ideology but I hope I don't use that as an excuse to attack Muslims. I see them as victims of an oppressive dogma that needs to be confronted. All children need access to a secular education that doesn't teach them they are inferior to others or that they have to hate others based on belief.

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why not just say she is a nice young girl wanting better for other oppressed young girls?

does stating shes still a muslim make her any worse? or more uncomfortable to you?

does it not show all muslims are evil? all muslims are like the taliban?

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