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One brave girl ..

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and shes still a muslim :suspect:


Yes quite an irony that she subscribes to the same religion that got her shot, she may get wise to it the more she learns and educates herself.


I'd like to see her gain real political influence in Pakistan in future and try to steer it towards secularism.

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Yes quite an irony that she subscribes to the same religion that got her shot, she may get wise to it the more she learns and educates herself.

or more than likely show the idiots that being a muslim DOESNT mean youre like the terrorists and extremists? :suspect:

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or more than likely show the idiots that being a muslim DOESNT mean youre like the terrorists and extremists? :suspect:


I think you'd have to be pretty stupid to think all muslims are terrorists. Muslims are the biggest victims of Muslims and Islam.

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or more than likely show the idiots that being a muslim DOESNT mean youre like the terrorists and extremists? :suspect:

I think we have already deduced that shes a muslim so theres no need to keep banging on about it,why dont you sit back and take notice of just what is going on ,here we have a muslim girl who is publicly denouncing her religion in her home country as repressive so instead of attacking the posters on here why dont you learn about the faults of that religion ,shall we say,from the horses mouth,from someone who has experienced the repression and barbarity of that religion,not over here ,but where it actually counts and means something or is she like me and every other poster who questions Islam, a far right fascist racist EDL supporting thug,..which rules do you want to play by mel ?

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I think we have already deduced that shes a muslim so theres no need to keep banging on about it,why dont you sit back and take notice of just what is going on ,here we have a muslim girl who is publicly denouncing her religion in her home country as repressive so instead of attacking the posters on here why dont you learn about the faults of that religion ,shall we say,from the horses mouth,from someone who has experienced the repression and barbarity of that religion,not over here ,but where it actually counts and means something or is she like me and every other poster who questions Islam, a far right fascist racist EDL supporting thug,..which rules do you want to play by mel ?

have i not spent the last few years saying their IS problems with islam which need addressing BUT.....................

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have i not spent the last few years saying their IS problems with islam which need addressing BUT.....................

Of course there are problems ,but those problems will not go away by continually defending ,blindly,the true face of Islam which you base on the religion as featured over here,what happened on the streets of Woolwich means nothing to the people oppressed by the religion in the East,to them it would be just a minor incident not worth a second mention but unless people like yourself realise this and continue to blindly defend the religion based on this countries followers the conditions over there will never get any better on the contrary the more that set foot in this country and the numbers swell ,the more Islam will flourish under the banner and attitudes of the east here in this country,Its just a question of time and numbers,history has shown that there is always a dominant force in the world ,The Egyptians,The Romans,the Huns,The British Empire etc perhaps its the turn of Islam, who knows.

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But one alas who will never dare go home and her words from over here will mean nothing back in her home country



I guess the only way we can help is by offering more asylum places here, to help more brave women like her; so they can become role models back home. Maybe we can increase our aid to help the girls who wont get the chance to escape, and maybe link that aid to forcing through change.


It's nice to see you on board.

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