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One brave girl ..

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She appears to be a good person despite her beliefs, her religion is her hindrance and a good all round education might free her from that hindrance which is clearly something that some people do not desire.
What a patronising comment.

They're are plenty of well educated Muslims with professional qualifications who are religious.

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What a patronising comment.

They're are plenty of well educated Muslims with professional qualifications who are religious.


To be fair any well educated man or woman who was brought up a Muslim will always say they are a Muslim even if it not so, otherwise they would be ostracised by family and friends and I forget the punishment for apostasy.

It`s not tea and biscuits though.


I wish the west would have more children like this 11 year old Egyptian. He is their future president. I only hope if he is one in a million there are at least another 100 of him out their in the middle east.




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You sound surprised janie..
I was really shocked.;)


To be fair any well educated man or woman who was brought up a Muslim will always say they are a Muslim even if it not so, otherwise they would be ostracised by family and friends and I forget the punishment for apostasy.

It`s not tea and biscuits though.


I wish the west would have more children like this 11 year old Egyptian. He is their future president. I only hope if he is one in a million there are at least another 100 of him out their in the middle east.




You exaggerate when you say any.

That boy in the video is really bright, and that's an understatement.

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i understand that she is a muslim and was attacked by muslims ,but why ask if she is a good or bad muslim ? and why do you have to try to pick a fight ?


Exactly, she could be a very good person and a very bad Muslim at the same time, I'm sure many Muslims will think she is a poor example of a Muslim.

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i understand that she is a muslim and was attacked by muslims ,but why ask if she is a good or bad muslim ? and why do you have to try to pick a fight ?


Similarly in Ireland not so long ago, Christians were attacked and killed by other Christians. One lot were Protestant, and the others Catholic. Islam isn't an amorphous mass, its divided into different sects in the same way as Christianity.


Religion is often used as an excuse for war. And that's usually just what it is, an excuse.


This thread is surely about the bravery of one young woman who stood up for the rights of other women. She was defending the right to an education, which only the extremists have an issue with: The extremists were, and they are, afraid of books and pens http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-23282662


I really don't give a stuff about her religion, but I admire her bravery in speaking out against the oppression of the Taliban.


---------- Post added 13-07-2013 at 07:58 ----------


Exactly, she could be a very good person and a very bad Muslim at the same time, I'm sure many Muslims will think she is a poor example of a Muslim.


I'm confident the views of extremists won't worry her. She already stood up against them. That's why she was shot.

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I guess the only way we can help is by offering more asylum places here, to help more brave women like her; so they can become role models back home. Maybe we can increase our aid to help the girls who wont get the chance to escape, and maybe link that aid to forcing through change.


It's nice to see you on board.


Not really, the best we can do is help her to change her country and other countries in which Islam is dominant.


---------- Post added 13-07-2013 at 08:39 ----------



I'm confident the views of extremists won't worry her. She already stood up against them. That's why she was shot.



A person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views.


Filled with excessive and single-minded zeal.


That would include the vast majority of Muslims.


So as I said the majority of Muslims will think she is a poor example of a Muslim, because if the majority thought the way she thinks then we wouldn't really be having a discussion about the lack of education of women and children within Islamic countries.

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