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No it is not blasé & I take offence that you think I am . I feel passionately about this situation & would never put my registration on the line just because someone asks me to put them out of their misery . It is illegal . :mad:


so you did mean it was illegal. Your registration is totally irrelevant to the moral argument.


I passionately hope that the medical professions stance on this will change as soon as possible as I think the current situation is inhumane.

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So you think we should end someones life because they ask you to . I cant see it happening in the near future but if it did then I really don't know how I would feel about actually doing it . It is everything to do with my registration with things as they stand now . Who knows what the future may hold & things may change but until then IT IS ILLEGAL TO TAKE SOMEONES LIFE.

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So you think we should end someones life because they ask you to . I cant see it happening in the near future but if it did then I really don't know how I would feel about actually doing it . It is everything to do with my registration with things as they stand now . Who knows what the future may hold & things may change but until then IT IS ILLEGAL TO TAKE SOMEONES LIFE.




and no the moral argument is nothing to do with your registration-absolutely nothing!


I will explain as you are having difficulties. If they made it legal now what would your opinion be? Would you just accept it immediately because it was legal now? Or would you decide based on you moral framework what your opinion was? You might still think it is bad-that would be your opinion and you would be entitled to feel that way.


Personally I think it will happen here in my lifetime. It is already happening in other countries and I believe that on the whole the public support the idea.


---------- Post added 19-07-2013 at 14:01 ----------


where I work we do not withdraw food & water unless the patient cannot physically take them .


I don't understand why anyone would think that was preferable to giving someone in that position a fatal dose of morphine:huh: I cannot get my head around it-it's horrible:rant:

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I have never not given a patient when they were able something to eat or drink & I don't think that is good practice not to keep patients fed & watered.

As for the other poster talking about morals . I thought this thread was about the LCP not euthanasia . :huh:


you know that is not what the other poster was talking about and I was arguing with your massive oversimplification of a very complex moral issue. Your statement was that it was bad-if you meant illegal then I have no problem with the statement but just because something is illegal it does not follow that it is bad.


I am sure you know all this though.

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It is bad if it is done on a hospital ward that is what I mean . And Yes I also meant illegal . And I disagree that I am simplifying this matter , I know full well it is a complex thing & I am not getting into an argument about morals .

I will say one thing though . I had a conversation with my family about if I ever got something like Motor Neurone Disease , I did say I would end my life before it got that I couldn't do it so my family would not be put in the position you are talking about

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It is bad if it is done on a hospital ward that is what I mean . And Yes I also meant illegal . And I disagree that I am simplifying this matter , I know full well it is a complex thing & I am not getting into an argument about morals .

I will say one thing though . I had a conversation with my family about if I ever got something like Motor Neurone Disease , I did say I would end my life before it got that I couldn't do it so my family would not be put in the position you are talking about


you are saying it is bad-you do not get to decide that. It is a complex moral argument so there is no possible way to avoid moral arguments:huh:

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