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George Zimmerman found not guilty

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I can see how this might be necessary in a a small Scottish town, but American pharmacies don't use volunteers.


I'm sorry to say this but I'm afraid you are wrong. The ones that do also don't seem to have any of the problems that you describe, but there you go....

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All the evidence presented at trial suggested martin was shot while engaging in a sustained brutal unprovoked assault on Zimmerman, using mixed martial arts moves in which he was trained. So that's why he got shot. Not because he was minding his own business.

When you say ALL the evidence, can you actually provide (links to) any that;


A) show that Martin attacked Zimmerman

B) if he did, that it was unprovoked

C) show that Martin was trained in MMA


It's worth noting that Zimmerman had been training in MMA and that some of the witnesses thought it might have been him on top



If I'm minding my own business walking down the street with no intention of doing anything wrong and I then decide I don't like how you're looking at me and punch you to the ground and start smashing your head into the concrete then you'd probably feel that whatever my original intentions I had now crossed a line and was engaged in an illegal assault on you to which you could reasonably respond with force yes?

Again, we don't know if that's how it happened

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---------- Post added 18-07-2013 at 13:59 ----------


When you say ALL the evidence, can you actually provide (links to) any that;


A) show that Martin attacked Zimmerman

B) if he did, that it was unprovoked

C) show that Martin was trained in MMA


It's worth noting that Zimmerman had been training in MMA and that some of the witnesses thought it might have been him on top




Again, we don't know if that's how it happened


See the link above. The forensics don't support Zimmerman's version of events.

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See the link above. The forensics don't support Zimmerman's version of events.
The forensics for the prosecution don't support Zimmermans account. Not the same thing as the forensics don't support Zimmermans account.
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Quite. Here is a great blog about this appalling case.


A blog that presents supposition as fact.


"Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old young black man was chased, beaten and shot by George Zimmerman in Florida on 26th February 2012...


...he hunted for Trayvon Martin, confronted him, attacked him and shot him dead."


Those are not established facts, an interesting read though.

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When you say ALL the evidence, can you actually provide (links to) any that;


A) show that Martin attacked Zimmerman

B) if he did, that it was unprovoked

C) show that Martin was trained in MMA


It's worth noting that Zimmerman had been training in MMA and that some of the witnesses thought it might have been him on top




Again, we don't know if that's how it happened


Yes, the evidence presented at the trial to the jury, that found him not guilty.


With regard to who beat who, various witnesses saw one man (lets say Man A) on top of another man (Man B) and man A was savagely beating man B in the face.


Most witnesses identified Man A as martin and man B as Zimmerman. One identified them the other way round. Has they both disappeared in a puff of smoke never to be seen again we could not say with 100% certainty who was who, though man A being martin would seem more likely as more witnessed id'd him as such.


But they didn't disappear and were both medically examined. Zimmerman had black eyes, a broken nose, bust lip, bruised cheeks, lacerations to the back of his head and the back of his clothing had clearly been in contact with the ground. Martin had no injuries at all except cuts on one fist (gunshot wound aside). Zimmermans injuries are entirely consistent with being man B. Martins with being man A.


The other way round the injuries and lack thereof are not possible.


So martin was man A -the attacker and zimmerman man B - the victim. That is not in any doubt at all other than by those being deliberately bloody minded because this case has had so much media hype and "racism" talk that some people have cast justice aside in favour of a selfish arrongant lynch mob out to punish zimmerman for the crime of being the wrong (in their eyes) ethnicity.


---------- Post added 18-07-2013 at 18:12 ----------


Quite. Here is a great blog about this appalling case.


If your idea of great is a combination of fantasy and downright provable lies presented as "facts". Which mine isn't.

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Yes. Stuff produced by his defense. It all came out in the trail.


Yes, the evidence presented at the trial to the jury, that found him not guilty.

The only such evidence I've seen/read only supports that Martin was on top at the moment the shot was fired


With regard to who beat who, various witnesses saw one man (lets say Man A) on top of another man (Man B) and man A was savagely beating man B in the face.


Most witnesses identified Man A as martin and man B as Zimmerman. One identified them the other way round. Has they both disappeared in a puff of smoke never to be seen again we could not say with 100% certainty who was who, though man A being martin would seem more likely as more witnessed id'd him as such.


But they didn't disappear and were both medically examined. Zimmerman had black eyes, a broken nose, bust lip, bruised cheeks, lacerations to the back of his head and the back of his clothing had clearly been in contact with the ground. Martin had no injuries at all except cuts on one fist (gunshot wound aside). Zimmermans injuries are entirely consistent with being man B. Martins with being man A.


The other way round the injuries and lack thereof are not possible.


So martin was man A -the attacker and zimmerman man B - the victim.

There seems to be a great many people jumping to this conclusion, that the incident must have happened how Zimmerman said because it's simply not possible that he (Zimmerman) could have attacked or tried to "apprehend" Martin, taking him to the floor (remember, it was Zimmerman who had some MMA training) then Martin getting the better of him, before he (Zimmerman) could land any punches properly, thus managing to get on top and begin fighting back against Zimmerman in self-defence, at which point (after suffering several blows and having banged his head on the ground in the tumble) Zimmerman shoots him.

Absolutely no way at all that could have happened, clearly.

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I'm sorry to say this but I'm afraid you are wrong. The ones that do also don't seem to have any of the problems that you describe, but there you go....


Hmmm. Has Rupert been pming you? Would you like to see the nasty pm he sent me yesterday?


However if I'm wrong, then I stand corrected.


Please give me the name and location of a real, civilian, open to the general public pharmacy who uses volunteers (not pharmacy students or retired pharmacists) to actually handle drugs (all drugs, not just repackage aspirin) and fill prescriptions, and the reasons why. What are the volunteers duties and job title? What are they allowed to do or not do.


Also, what are their requirements for such a volunteer? i.e. If someone has a degree or license from another country, it had better be good in the US and whoever is in charge had better be aware if it isn't.


None of this, "I write elected officials and they don't know I'm not American, tee hee." Like they actually read the crap emails people send them.

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