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George Zimmerman found not guilty

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Completely unarmed up to the point when he tried to take the security guard's gun (yes, Zimmerman was the security guard) and tried to shoot him with it.


Fortunately for Zimmerman, there was a witness to that bit.

A) He wasn't a security guard, he worked in insurance

B) I can't find anything about a witness who saw Martin try to take the gun, what's the name of this witness?

C) Even if he did try, he was still unarmed



No it isn't!


'Feeling in imminent danger' is grounds to use lethal force if the people tasked with investigating the incident agree that you had reason to feel in imminent danger.


If they disagree and you shoot somebody you will be treated exactly like any other criminal who shoots somebody without good cause.

That's the same with any law, if you abide by it but the courts decide you didn't, then tough


[/color]As the article said: "The case sparked a fierce debate about racial profiling in the US."


Initially, the media decided to portray it as 'white guy (majority) shoots black guy' (minority.)


Then somebody pointed out that Zimmerman is an hispanic (minority) so it was 'man from minority ethnic group shoots man from different minority ethnic group.' - That didn't go down too well with the racists who were trying to set up Zimmerman, so they invented' a new ethnic group - 'White Hispanic'.


That didn't go down too well with a number of hispanics, who are proud of their heritage and who argue that their skin colur has nothing to do with it.


(The Governor of the State of New Mexico is a gentleman by the name of 'William Blaise Richardson lll" (You can probably guess which Ivy league group he comes from.


He is known as 'Bill Richardson, the Hispanic Governor of New Mexico' - Woe betide any newspaper man who refers to him as 'the white hispanic governor of new Mexico.) :hihi:


After they were unable to play the race card, the journos (very ill-advisedly) doctored a recording of a conversation between Zimmerman and the local Police. The doctored version was a complete fake (and I expect some newspaperman will be sued - and hopefully prosecuted, convicted of attempting tp pervert the course of justice and imprisoned.


What else do you expect from the media? Race issues are always good for grabbing headlines.

Zimmerman being partly Hispanic hardly excludes him from the possibility of being racist, neither does the fact that other Hispanics are proud of their heritage or that the Governor of New Mexico is hispanic.

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If George Zimmerman was called Rafael Sanchez this would have barely made the local news.


It's a tragedy alright but the racial profiling is working overtime.


edit. That's a very reading reading of it quisquose.

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Completely unarmed up to the point when he tried to take the security guard's gun (yes, Zimmerman was the security guard) and tried to shoot him with it.


Fortunately for Zimmerman, there was a witness to that bit.


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 15:19 ----------



No it isn't!


'Feeling in imminent danger' is grounds to use lethal force if the people tasked with investigating the incident agree that you had reason to feel in imminent danger.


If they disagree and you shoot somebody you will be treated exactly like any other criminal who shoots somebody without good cause.


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 15:38 ----------


As the article said: "The case sparked a fierce debate about racial profiling in the US."


Initially, the media decided to portray it as 'white guy (majority) shoots black guy' (minority.)


Then somebody pointed out that Zimmerman is an hispanic (minority) so it was 'man from minority ethnic group shoots man from different minority ethnic group.' - That didn't go down too well with the racists who were trying to set up Zimmerman, so they invented' a new ethnic group - 'White Hispanic'.


That didn't go down too well with a number of hispanics, who are proud of their heritage and who argue that their skin colur has nothing to do with it.


(The Governor of the State of New Mexico is a gentleman by the name of 'William Blaise Richardson lll" (You can probably guess which Ivy league group he comes from.


He is known as 'Bill Richardson, the Hispanic Governor of New Mexico' - Woe betide any newspaper man who refers to him as 'the white hispanic governor of new Mexico.) :hihi:


After they were unable to play the race card, the journos (very ill-advisedly) doctored a recording of a conversation between Zimmerman and the local Police. The doctored version was a complete fake (and I expect some newspaperman will be sued - and hopefully prosecuted, convicted of attempting tp pervert the course of justice and imprisoned.


---------- Post added 14-07-2013 at 15:47 ----------


There have been a number of instances where people who were shot (quite lawfully) under the provisions of 'stand your ground' have threatened revenge.


Somehow, I expect the local police will have a pretty good idea of who is likely to do what.


It may be that offences against tourists (carjacking, muggings and random shootings) go up in the Sanford area but the police will crack down on that.


Probably not, I haven't yet read any witness reports suggesting so (that Martin was trying to get the gun at all), only Zimmerman's claim.


My Bold=

Im going on what Rupert Baehr said regarding Trevon trying to get the gun from Zimmerman and gave a reason why I think Trevon may have tried to grab the gun from him if this was true.

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I suppose commenting on any verdict like this from a foreign country depends on whether you feel that reading the facts as presented by a journalist who may not even have attended the trial puts you in a better position to judge than a jury who were.

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I don't know whether he's guilty or not, but if I was him I'd be getting out of America very quick.


Yes you do. Acquitted by a jury, ie NOT guilty.



I meant in MY mind I don't know whether he is guilty or not.

I am entitled to my own opinion........... Juries aren't always right.

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I suppose commenting on any verdict like this from a foreign country depends on whether you feel that reading the facts as presented by a journalist who may not even have attended the trial puts you in a better position to judge than a jury who were.


A fully grown adult carrying a gun follows a youth despite the police telling him to stop following him and than shoots him dead and gets off scot free, most people don't need to read journalists views to decide that this was wrong.

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